§:sea e Teftimonier to "roue that faith alme tuftìfieth vs-. Rom 3.:3. and 4..5. z,16, 543o That faithaloneiuß:faith. honef}ie,btat his honeflie the caufe ofhis honefl a6lions; to a lining man there is neceífarily required as well breathing which is an ae &ion or effc& oflife, as the foule which is the caufe thereof, and fo to a iuflifiedman there is neccffarily re- quired,as well good workes whichare theeffects ofiuflifica- tion,as faithwhich is the inflrumental caufe tiereof,.for faith and works are neuer feuered in the fttbie& or party iuflified, although.theyare difioyned in the a&ofiuílifying.So the eie onely feeth andnot theforehead;but yet theeie feuered from the forehead feeth not, becaufe it is butadead eie;the hand writeth andnot the body,but the hand feuered fromthe bo- dywriteth not, becaufe it is a dead hand.The foot goeth and not the head or heart,but the foot which is feuered from the heador heart goeth not ; and fo faith only iuflifieth, andnot hope, not charitie, not workes, but the faith that is feuered fromhope, charitie and workes, iuflifieth not, becaufe it is but adeadfaith:as therefore when we fay the eie onlyfeeth, thehandonely writetli,the footeonlywalketh,our meaning is not that-thefe parts being alone, and feuered from the ref}, fee, write,-and walke ; but thatamong{l all other parts, the a6lion ór-funelion:ofPeeing belongeth peculiarlyvnto the eie,writing to the hand,walking to the foot: fowhen we fay that onely faith iuflifieth, our meaning is not that the faith which is alone, and feuered from other graces, and the fruits ofthem goodworkes, iuflifieth ; but that among{}all other graces this ac- of iuflifying peculiarly and properlie be- longeth vnto faith, and not to any other grace, vertue, of workes. Novi," that that faithalone, in this fence vnderflood, iuí}i- fieth, appeareth plainelie, both by teflimonies of Scripture .and apparant reafons. For the fir[}, it is manifefl,Rom.3.28, whereafter long difputation concerning thispoint, theAb poflfe expreflieconcludeth thus. Therefore tre v conclude, that a manis i:sflifedby faith without the wores ofthe law. And chap.4.verf.5°. Yohim that tborketh not, butbeleeneth in him that iuflifieth thevnxrodly,hisfaith is countedfor righteoufneffe. SoGal.2.i6. Know that aman is not iufiifiedby the, market of the laiv,but by thefaith of Iefus Chrift ; euenwee Ifay hake be- hold