Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

Thatfaithalone iuflifacth. S8 I teemed in lefiu Chrift, that ?cee might be iuftified by thefaith of Chris, and not by them;rkst of the law, becar4 fie by the worker of thela*, no_Ph !hall be iuFfified. And chap.3.I i. end that Gal.3. t1. no man is iuilifed by the lacy in thefight ofGod, it is euident : for the iHfl fhall lice byfaith. I a. e/lud the latin is not of faith. And hence it is that the righteoufneffe of Chria, whereby wee are iuflified, is called the righteotepes of faitb, Rom.9. Rotn.9,30. verf.30. becaufe faith is the onely inftrument, which appre- hendethand applieth this righteoufneffe vnto vs.,for our iu- ftification. The reafons toproue that faith alone iuflifieth are diners. Sea. Firl}, that which alone appliethvntovs Chrif+ lefus and his neufrir to righteoufiieífe,that onely iuflifiethvs : but faith alone appli- that faith eth vntovs Chrif} Iefus andhis righteoufneffe,andnot hope, alerte i/ill: îetb_. charitie, or anyother grace : and therefore faith alone iufli- fieth. Secondly,that which onely maketh the promifes of the Gofpell firme and lurevntovs, that alone iuflifiethvs ; but faith alone ref}ingvpon Gods inertie and Chriflsmerits,ma- keth the promifes of the Gofpell firme and lure vnto vs (whichwould bee mol}vncertaine ifthey fhould depend on thecondition ofour workes and worthinef e feeing they aremol} irnperfe&,and wee mol+corrupt and vnworthie of Gods leaf+mercie ; as the Apoílle plainly fheweth, Rom.4. 16. Therefore it is (namely the couenant of grace) byfaith, Rom, 4.16. that it might comebygrace,and the promife might be jure to all thefeed :) and therefore faith alone iuflifieth vs. Laflly,our SauiourChrifl,Ioh.3.14.I S.maketh this corn- Iob. ;.14.15: parifon : eAs tAvtofes !:ft vp the Serpent in the \rildernefJe, fo mu1 the Sonneofmanbe lift vp,that nhoroeuer belseueth in bino Amidnot perifh,but houe eternall life. Fromwhich wee may thus reafon : As the Ifraelites whowere flung with fierie fcr- ponts, were cured not by any outward mneanes ofphyficke and furgerie, or any thing in themfelues, faue onely by loo- kingvpon the braferì Serpent , which for this purpcfe was fet vpbyGods commandement fo wee being flungofthe oldSerpent with the flingoffiinne, cannot bec curedby any =canes without or within our feues, but bybcholdi(,g the Pg 3 true