Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

58z Thatfaith aloneittfifieth. true fiib(laneeChrií} Iefus, fignifiedbythis ihadoW,with the eye offaith. And thus haue Iprooued, firfi that we arenot iuflified by our workes,and inherent righteoufneffe ; and fecondly, that loveare iuflified byfaith alone : not as it is the chiefc andprin- cipallcaufe; for in this refpeaGod iuflifieth ; not as it is the matterortneritorious caufe of our iullification, for in this refpe, the merits and righteoufneffe of Iefus Chrif} iuflifi- ethvs; but as it is the alone inflrument and, onelycaufe invs which applierh that meritorious caufe vnno vs, whereby alonewe are iuflified inGods fight. §:Serî.4. Secondly, the tempter: will obie6t, that this imputed rim Thar the imp- teoufieffe vvee fpeake of, is but imaginarie,and a vainephan- tationof tafie ; as ifamanwhowere defiled with dart fhould- bee re- ór (h rzghte- puted.cleane by the imputation ofanothers.cleannefl'e, oras yutattKeand ifa begger fhould bee efleemed rich, by imputation ofano- un,4inarie, thers wealth. To whichwe are to anfwere,that theimputa- . Lion; of.Chrifls righteoufneffe .vnto vs, is ño amaginarie dreamer but a matter plainely 'cxpreffed in Goes word,as alto-thenot imputation ofour _finites istherein fuecifaed. In the fourth of the Romanes, this w;, vied by the holy Rom,4. ;4. Ghofl an eleuen times. So verf.3. t.4 raha. bel eued God andit wasinynted vnto_htinfor rig;meoufnejfc.. And oerf:4.T® him that Worketh,not,biit belee,ieth inbin that irs,tifeth thevn* godly, his faith is inv. for riQhteoufnef c. And verf.6. Enos ,rs Dot::id e arcd theblc dnefeofthema:: vntoVbhomGodim- puteth riyhtccurieg vitho.:t_wor es..And .verf.8. sitsed is the man to ivbom theLord i1 l)stcthnotfnae, c9-'C. 4 i .5. Yea, willthe tempter fav, it is true that weare iunifiedby Trot era imputed righteoufhcffe ; but not by the righteoufneffe of wn:Gia chrifts ChrilÑ,.which is out ofour felues ; but our faith,which isfor- bw ;r,t;i,pr,Te med andperfeaedwith charitie,. and other graces, and good z. impta zu- Ivorkcs, is imputed for righteoufineffe- : or more plainely, vsnr oaf Codaccc techof the workcsof the faithful!, and their in- aatC+31t04.~ rig1 teoufi:effe5 thoughv irperfecrì::and vnworthie in tlsetnfelues, for, and through Chrifl, for fuchrighteoufneffe «hick may iuflifie vs it: his fight. For the anf cring.of which cbieú1ionwe are toknow, that ti is v; oral. imputing,