+ That use areiuflified by Chrifts imputedrighteoufeef . y 3 or imputation, is taken two wayes in the Scriptures : firil, whenas the thing imputed is in our felues, and fo it is Paid, Pfal.a06.3-1 . that the fa&of Phineeswas imputed vnto ic6.; r; him forrighteoufheffe; fo Rom.5.13. Butfin is netimputedibhile Prat there is no law. Secondly, when as the thing imputed is out Ron' 5'3 ofourfelues; and ofthis, mention is made,Leuitr7.4. and . ic.i ',4 Nurnb.l8.zy. And in this latter fenfe the word is tobecvn- LNeaurn. rg. derflood in the doctrine ofiuftification,and not in the for- mer. For our finnes were imputed vnto Chrifl, when hee of- fered himfelfe to fluid in our place, to pay our debt and to make fuilfatisfa6ion tohis fathers iuflice, by fuffering thole punifhments whichweby our finnes had deferued ; in which refpe9 theScriptures fay that he ;gas reputedamong'? the wic- Mari x.re, kfd,Mark 15.28.and that hervis ;; de (inneforvs, 2. Cor.5.2I . Cor.S,sf. not by infufion ofour finnes and corruptions into his moll holy nature,butby imputation onely.And contrariewife, we are made iull or iuflified, not by infufion ofinherentrigh- teoufneffe intovs, but by imputation of Chrifls righteoui- nes;when asbeleeuing inhim, notwithllandingthat our- is ilill defiledwith fin&manifold corruptions, through themeere mercyand free grace of God for the merits and obedienceofChrifl, wee arereputed itifl, asthough we had neuer committed finne, and had performed perfe&obedi- encevnto Gods commandements, and fo adiudgedheires ofeuerlafting life. So that this imputation confifleth not in Gods reputing of vs iuil,in refpe& ofour inherent righteoufieffe iiafufed into vs; but in the free mercie and graceofGod, whichfor Chrifl his fake cóuereth our finnes, Which are indeede -im. herent in vs, fo as they (hall neuer bee imputedvntovs for our condemnation, and imputeth vnto vs the righteoufnes which is not invsbut inChrifl, wherewith -- btingfullypof- .feífed,hereputeth ofvs, asmoil innocent andperfeótly nigh- .s_ teous. Now, that imputation is to'bé'vnderflood-in this latter The former fenfe,it is moll manifefl where5, A á81e Paulfctteth downc l'oitrt proouett I? lfydeeitxonies the word inboth thefe fenfes, denying that in this doctrine afrbe $e.rip. ofïufification,it is tobe vndërfloodofthe former, and añrr- tows ~PP - tniá