Rom, 4 g.;, Eph.z, 8. 4.Set7.7. Theformer point proorsed by the ex,rntp.'c o f ;.4arabatn. Ró tst 4.z.3. That perfriF . ?Oneon/aeft is reqairtd to ear irrßiftta - tiaaz. 1arn ;<t. 584 That weare iuflifiedby Chriffs imputed righteoufnes. ming it ofthe latter. To him (faithhe)that worketh, thewages isnot imputedbyfauour, but by debt (namely, becaufe hehash; merited it byhis ovine righteoufnes) 5. But to him that wor- kethnot, butbeleeueth in him that iisflifieth the vngodiy, hisfaith is counted or imputedfor righteoufnes ; euenad Dauiddeclareth the bleffedncs ofthe man vnto wham Godimputeth righteoufnes without workes,Inwhich words he plainly fheweth,that there, is.akindofimputation which hath his ground or foundati- on inworkes and inherent righteoufneffe, and this hee of iir- tneth is not ofgrace. And that there is another kind of im- putation, which bath not it ground and foundation inhim. . to whom it is made, but in the free mercieofGod iullifying the wickedwithout hisworkes, and thereforenot onely de flitute ofinherent righteoufeffe wherebytie might bee iu- flified, but alto guiltie of inherent corruption and a6tuall_ . tranígreffìon,wherbyhe mightbe condemned ifGod fhould enter into iudgetnent with him, So alfo he plainly affirm°th,. Ephef z.8. that Liearefaced by grace through faith, and that n;?t ofourfeines; it isthegift of Cod. 9. Not ofworkes, left any. manid oteld6,40himfelfe. Secondly, this, maybe prooued by theexample of Abra- ham, vpon which the Apoflle in the former place inífleth;.. for by that imputed righteouTeffe wherebyhewas iuflified,. wee are alto iuflified :but the Apoflle plainly afñrmeth that this imputationwas not of eflbrahams inherent ri hteouf neffe,with the whichnotwithflandinghewasplentifully in- clued ; for (as he faith) ifAbraharnwere iu/lifiedby tvor&es, he htdwherein to retoyce, but net in Clod; but that eilbrahambe- /celled to ÿod, and th. as *as counted to himfor r:ghteourneffe, as it is Rom.4.2.3. and therefore we are not iuflified by our voiles and inherent righteoufnefhe, but by the righteouf- neffeofChriíl imputed vnto vs. Thirdly, that righteoufnetfe which iuflifiethvs, mull cbn- fifl inperi'eaobedience and fulfilling of the law of God, in that exa 1 manner and meafine which Gods iuftice doth re- quire : but this; cannot poflibly be done by any righteoul'_ nellèwhich is in. vs, which is mot} itnperfea and mingled 4, with many finnes and corruptions,forin many thingsweefin al'