Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

w 'That weareiuffifiedby Chr s imputed righteotifnc(fe 585 all, as it is Iam. 3.2. and he thatfaith he bath nofinne is a lyar, loh. as Johnfpeaketh, I .Epifl. z .8.andour beg righteoufaes is likea polluted cloth, as it Efay64.6. but by the alone righteoufnes Efa 64 ó, ofiefus Chrift, which being imputedveto vs, is fufficient to .nfwere and fatisfie Gods exa6 and moll perfeel iuflice.. That our righteoufneffe whereby we are tobe iuflified muff be perfeel, and fuchas the law and exa6 iuflice df God re- Rom. 3. ;t. quireth, it appeareth Rom.3.3 I. whereas theApoflle plain- ly affirmeth,that whenfaith is imputedvnto righteouf+heffe, Tana, t ó, the law is not made voide, but rather confirmed and fulfil- led.Doe the then (faith he) ma1Ze the lathofnone oiled. through faith ? Godforbid.reaWeeflabli¡h the law. But this cannot bee donebyour righteoufneffe, which is impeded and ming- led with innumerable finnes,but by the alone moll perfe6t righteoufneffe ofIefus Chrif} imputed vnto vs. Againe, the Lordhath commaunded and flraitly charged, that in our ci- uill iudgements the righteous shall be iuflified, and the Deut.251. wicked condemned, Deut.25.r.And thewife man faith,thát he that iu/ifieth the kicked, and he that cordemneth the iuf , Pro,t7. t 5. omen they bothareabomination vnto theLord,Prou.17.15.And the Prophet Efay denounceth a woe againfl then' which Efa, 5.t3. commit this finne, chap.5.verf.23.Now (hall the Lord re- quire this ofvs, and (hall we thi nke that he wholewill is the rule-ofiuflice,will iuflifie any whole righteoufneffe is im- perfeel,andnot according tohis law ? No, he hath told vs, that it is moreeafie that heauen and earth fTiould paffe away; Luk. s 6.17 than that one tittleof the law fhould fall vnaccomplifhed, Luk.r6, r7. And therefore letvs not truff voto our ownc im peded righteoufneffe,but wholly refl'vpon the alone righ= teoufneffeof lefits Chrifl by a liuely faith for our iuflifica- tion.Forhe is the Lordourrióhteourneffe,Iere.2 3.6.In himwe. Iere. 23,6. haue ri hteou ne e and ren to Efa. 2 He ismadeuntovs Eta ¢5.24. f g f fi f` ' 4 ' t.Cor.t. e God,xni edorr;e rshteoaa ne,e, .anti cation and redemption, 3 . i .Cor.1. 3 o. By hisobedience manyaremade righteous ;Rom 5 Róm. ¶.19 19. emend that which ir,a.r impofble to thel tro, iaa as much as it was u-eakebecaure ofthefefh, Godfeudinghis fonne in the frni-Rom.8. ;.4e luttade o f finfull f e7 , anolforliNi condemned tinne in thefij.,77, the.righteoasfinyjiofthe lawmight befulfi!ledin vs; as it is Roin+3.3. ..