:.Cor.$. a.Pcr. 1.18. and Z. S 86 That2ve'itre iu;ffifaecrby Cdari,b imputedrighteoufnefe, Rom.8.3 .4. laaword,in himalone wee haueall our rigghte- eufheffe, inhim we thine- gloriouflyinthe fight ofGod,and he is that brightfhining Sunneofrighteouf ens, fromwhom weborrow all our light,without whole raiesofholineffewe thouldremaine in the darkeneffe of our finnes and corrup. . tions. Laf+ly,theApoflle fetteth downe the forme of our iufli fication, namely, the imputation of our firmes vnto Chrifl, and the imputationofhis righteoufhefi'e vntovs.x.Cor.5.21. IleWhich kneenofnne,'v.tc madefznnefor S's, that we might bee made the ri bteoufneffe ofGodinhim. As therefore Chrif} was made a (inner for vs, fo wee are made righteous before God in him ; but Chrif} Iefus was not made a firmer forvs by -in- füfion ofourfinnes and corruptions into hisnature (for hee was alwaiesmoil holy,pure, vndefiled and without finne, as '9' theApoflle witneffeth ofhim) but by imputation onely, as being our furetie who had taken vpon him to difcharge all our debt : and therefore in like manner wee are made righteous, notby infüuionofrightcoufneffe, but byimputa- tion onelie. Nowwhereas they obie&, that to be iuflifiedby imputa- tion is but an imaginaric mockerie, as ifapoore man fhould be reputed rich : to this we are to anfwere, that-it isbut afri- uolous cauill : for we doe not teachthat Godefleemeth and xeputethvsrighteous,'being wholliedefiled with finneand quite deflitute of all righteoufneffe; but that hemakethvs perfectly righteous,by wafhing away ourfins with thepre- cious blood of Chrif}, andby applying and appropriating vntovs hisperfect} righteoufnes. and obedience byvertue of his fpirit principiliy,and a liaelyfaith intlrumentally,wherby we are vnitedveto Chrifland become members ofhis body, and confequentlie haueright and.fuIl'interefl voto all that which this our head bath done for vs; and fobeing made partakersofhis righteoufnes andmerits,God reputcth vs as the are in truth perfe&lie iut+ andrighteous. If aman being poore and rarre in debt, fhould bee accounted and reputed exceeding rich andnothing indebted, it were indeede buta metre imagination.Butifanotkerofgreat fufficiency fhould take That iu{tifica- tionby impu- tation is flot irisaginarie,but red andin -truth.