Temptatioietoppugningour ìae/Jificatron,anfwvered. 587 takevponhim tobehis furetie, and not onelie difcharge all his debts,but íhouldbeflow vponhim great femmes ofmo- nk and much treafure, this man whatfoeuer bee was before time inhimfelfe, maynow be efteemed rich andout ofdebt. Soifwe (as wee are farre indebted to the iuilice ofGod and exceedingbeggerly, yea ftarke nakedofallrighteoufneífe)' Mould be reputed as we are thus in our felues righteous and 'nothing indebted,it were but ame-ere mockerie; but feeing our Lord and SauiourIefus Chriíf hath taken vpon hint to beour furetie, who is himfelfe al- fufficient, andfeeing hee hath perfe6ly and fullie anfwered all our debts,wherein we were ingaged toGods iuílice;andnot onely fo,buc alfohath communicated and beífowed vpon vs the infinite rich trea- fures ofhis righteoufnes and obedience, gluingvnto vs full lntereífand.poffèßïon hereof, otttwardlie by his hand-wri. ting of the Gofpell, and his Sacraments as feales annexed thereunto, and inwardlie by thevenue and cooperation of his fpirit applying them vnto vs : and Iaífly, feeing wee al- fo haue receiued the full affurance ofall this, heauenlie and fpirituall rich treafure by the hand of faith, wee are in truth . quite out ofdebt,and exceeding richwith hisrighteoufneife which is nowbecome_ours,and .therefore are.fo.reputed. and eífecrnedín the1ght ofGod. -____-___, ea CHAP. I.I. Sow" temptations moo,tinc, the wake: Chrifria,z ;tó doubt of his iufhification,al f ere& ._ .. . Nd. fo- much for anfwering Satans terrrptaeï ons, whereby heelaboureth to perfwade vs to reif_vpon a falte ..and. imperfe6t.righteoufheffe fòrour iulhíkation. Note weearebriefelyto fpeakc ofthole hich,hee fuggcacth into the mindes ofWeak Chritlians, tattle end that h...emay make them doubt oftheir iuflificarion, that;fohee,might(if it were poífïble) make fruftrate this workeofGod, or at leaf-l-robbè their_îoulesof all comfort and peace ofcoiífciei ce, hicla al'xz,: e.; That our iußi flexion is plainer rem- ; led vnto vs in the vvordof God.