Rom.s. r. Rom.8.3o. 5s s Tentationr oppugningouriuffifacation,anfreered. alwaiesaccompanieth the affurance of our iuftification ; for being iu,frjed byfaith, wee hauepease towards God through our Lord Iefus aril!, as the Apoffle fpeaketh, Rom.'. t. Fir( thereforehe fuggelleth that our iuf}ification is an aò}ion of God,and therefore vnknowne to vs; fo that wecannot pof- fiblie áttaineveto anycertaine knowledge that wee are iu- flified ofGod,vnleffehe affurevshereofby fame fpeciall and extraordinarie reuelation. For the anfwering whereof, we are tovnderfaand that this ofGod in iuffifying a (inner, is as cleerely reuealed ordi- narily in the Scriptures, as anyother thing concerning our faluation,and that euery true beleetermay as certainly con- clude by vndoubted arguments grounded on Gods infal- lible truth, that,tie is iuftified before God, as by naturali rea- fon he canprooue that hee liueth and breatheth. For firf}our effc&call vocation and iuftification are infeparably linked togetherby the Apofl le,Rom.R.3o. So that whofoeuer cart prooue that hee is effeó}uallycalled, hee mayalfomoflcer- tainly inferre that hee is iuflified. But euery true beleeuer may come to the certaine knowledge that he is effe6ually called, (as before I haue Ihewed at large)and that not by any fpeciall reuelation, but by thewill ofGod, reuealed in his word,by the inward teftimonieofGods Spirit, and the vndoubted lignes of effeá uall calling, which hee obferueth inhimfelfe; and therefore without any particular reuelation wee may attaine vino the affurance alto that wee are iufti- fied, that is, that ourfnnes are pardoned for the merits and full fatisfa6tion of Iefus Chriff, and wee clothed with his righteoufnef e. Secondly, whofoeuer can come to the affurance that hee hath a true and liuelyfaith, hemay allo be afl'ured that hee is iuílified : forit is the nature and an infeparablypropertie of true faith, to applie vnto the beleeuer Chriff Iefus and his righteoufiteflc, whereby hee is ittffified before God : and hence it is that the Scriptures plainly affirme that wee are iufdificd by faith,and not by aly thingelfe which is in vs, as before I haue fufficiently Ihewed. But we may come to the .certaine affurance that wee hauea true faith, by the vndoub- ted