s Temptationsoppugning ourfanEizifacation,an f °ered. 589 ted lignes and infeparable fruits thereof, which wee may difcerne in our felues (as hath been alreadie plainelie pro - ued) thoughwee newer haue any fpcciall reuelation. And therefore without any fuch particular reuelation \vee may attains vnto the certaineaffurance that tvee are iuCtified in Gods fight. Thirdly,that which theGofpell affurethvs of, wee ncede not tomake any doubt thereof,oronce call it into queflion : but the Gofpell affureth vs, that whofoeuer beleeueth in Chrift Iefus,and truelyrepent themof their finnes, fhali bee made partakers ofall the gracious promifcs oflife and falua- tion therein contained ; So Iohn 3.16. God fo loud the Iohn3.16. world that he hathgiuen hisonely begottenfonne,that Zbhofoeuer beleeueth inhim fhouldnotperil, but haue euerlafling life. And chap.5.24. Verely,verely, Ifay vntoyou, hPtlhatheareth my John 5,24. vord,andbeleeueth him thatPent me, hath euerlalling life, and fhar7not come intocondemnation, but bath paffeafrom death to life. AndMatth.s 1.28. Come vntomec all jee that labour and Matti" r s á. are laden, and Iwill eafe you. And therefore whofoeuer be- leeue in IefusChrifl, approving their faith to the world and their owne coufciences, to bee true and vnfained by the fruit thereof, vnfained repentance, he may allure himfelfe ofall thegratious promises of the Gofpell, and confequent- lyofthe remiffìonofhis firmes, and his iuffification for the merits and righteoufreffëofiefus Chria. Lafllie, the Lordbathnot onelie after a generali manner propounded thefepromises vnto vs, and left vs to our owne libertie to beleeue or not to beleeue them, but hee hath boundvs to the performance ofthis dutie by his expreffe commandement, Mark.x. r 5. Repent andbeleeue the Go tell. Mai.Irohk. n 3 a, t .a fo 3. And 1.Ioh.3.23. This is his commandement that tee beleeue in hisfonneIefus Chrifl, thatis, that we doenot onely after a generallmanner beleeuethat he is theSauiour ofmankind, but that webeleeue that he is our Sauiour, who bath redee- med,iuflified,and wil aloffperfealy faue vs,and ref}whollie vponhim âlone for our faluation. Andhee that thusbelee- ueth, needethnoother arguments to affure him that he is iufkifiedandalai' be failed; he bath thewitneffe in him-