590 Temptations appfgningouriuftt:fcatron,anfirered. « felfe, euen the teflimonie of Cods fpirit, crying in his heart .Abba father,and bearing witnelfe vnto his spirit that hee is the child ofGod : and not to:beleeue this is to makeGod a lier, becaufe wee will not belceue the record that he hath c.Iohn, 5. to. :tbitne¡fed ofthat hisfo, ne, as theApoftle fpeaketh,-a.Iohrt.s. xo. Yea (as before I haue (hewed at large) hee hath added -vnto the hand-writing of his word, which containeth alto his oath,for ourbetter confirmation,his Sacraments; where- by heeparticularly conueieth and giueth unto euery belee- Ater, as it were properpoffe1iïonofChriít Iefus and all his be- _nefits, toxhe end thatthere íhould bee noplace left to dot}b- ting,nor any neede ofanyparticular reueiation, for our fur- theraffurance. §.Sei1.2. Secondly, Satan will fuggeft, that thofe whoare iuflified That vve are are made iuft,Oand thofe who are made inf.} doecontinual- made iuft,not lie the workes ofrighteoufneffe ; but thou,will hefay to the by Imp wf gut humble Gnner, continueft fill in thy corruptions and thy ofrighte_ wickedtreffe cleaueth fall to thee, and compaífeth thee a- ®ujrler. _ bout; and in-flead ofdoing the workes ofrighteoufnefíe, thoucontinual-lie heapeft , vp the full meafure ofthy finnes; yea thy bet} aetions are fo flamed with imperfed}ions and fo full ofinfirmities,..that they iuítlie prouoke Gods wrath againfl thee. To which we muff anfwere, that iàdeede whofoeuer is iuflified is made iufl,but not by infufion ofinherentrighte-. oufneífe into our felues, butby imputationofChriíts molt perfe6trighteoufneffe, asbeforel haue lhewed; for hereby - ouríinnes are pardoned, he hauing taken them vpon him- 'felfe,and fatisfied Cods iuftice by fuffering thole punifh- rnents which wee had defeated ; andalto hee hath perfe&ly fulfilled the law, that hee might make vs partakers ofhis aó}iueobedience; and fo imputing bothvntovs,hathmade vs perfeè}}y iui and righteous inGodsfight. So that now the Lord doth not require obedience to his law at our hands, to the end that wee fhould bee iuflified in whole or inpart, byour owne righteoufneffe; neither arewe to thishid to obferueGods commandements, that wee may offer unto God our workes and inherent righteoufiieffe, . defiring