rremptationf oppugning ourfabßcation,4tnfrwered 591 defiring thereby to be iuflified;for,as I haue aimed ;our bell righteoufneffe is imperfect, and mingled with manifold rórruptions,fo as it would rather condemn -.e vs, thew iuftifie vs,if the Lord fbouid examine it according to the exa& rule ofhismoll perfe& iullice : but wee offer untoGod for our iuílification, the nmofl perfel righteoufiicffe and full fatif fadtion ofIefus Chrifl, which by his merits and filfferings he bath oncemade forvs defiring thereby wholly and oncly to be iuflified and faued. Sell Asforour workes and inherent righteoufneffe, they arc 4 .3- not caufes but effedtsand fruites ofour iuftificatiion ; neither 7bat ca"bar¢; is it poilible that we fhould doe any goodworke acceptable but effrfls in Gods fght,till we are iuflified, and reconciled vnto God our u*ß,fce. in Iefus Chrifl; for our workes cannot pleafkhim, till our tion. perlons pleafe him, and whatfocuer wee doe, before faith hathpurified the heart, it is finne and odious in the fight of= God:butasToone as wehaue faithbegotten in vs, preientlie- it apprehendeth Chriíland his righteoufnes,wherebywe are iuflified, and then being iuflified,faith worketh by louc,andi_ bringeth foorth in vs .the fruites offanélification ; which though they bee,mingled with much corruption, and tna-: i ifoldimperfeclions,:.yct God in Chrill acceptcth of theta; asperfec`t, and" `will crowhe them: widitglorie, and immor.-a talitie. Neither.doth the&Lord now require of vs; that wee per ûv not fed lie..atonce fhake offall ourcorruptions, but that we la- bour rtgxirEofs s asmuch as invs lieth, toa morrifie and ,_ ac- fct rights, cordingto the m.eafure ofhis-grace, and holy fpirit, which cuff efl . hce hath bellowed onvs; hee cloth not flraitlie command that we fhbuld inflantlybanifhand, expell finne from dwel- ling invs,but thatwee doenot fuller it to raigne in vs, nor willinglyobey-the flefh in the -htfls:thereof, fubmitting our fcluesvntofinne, as feruants and vaffals to their Lord and mafler; hecloth notinioyne,vs that we fhótild whollie van- quifh ourcorruptions,and obtaine a.full vietorie over them, but/that we ttroclaime .open warre againfl them, and man- fully fight and flriueunder the condu6t ofhis fpirit, againfl the,lefit;and the fi nfull Tufts thereof;. and when wee are tam kéa+..