Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

59 Tentatiorsoppugningour iufifcation,anfinered. ken captiueoffinne, that wee labour to attainevetoour for- mer freedome, in the mearre time forrowing and groning vnder the heauiewaight of our corruptions, and crying out Rom.7. with the Apotlle,Wretchedman that I am, rho /hall deliver me from the /odceofthis death ? and that we confeffe our mifera ble eflate vnto our Captaineand leader Iefus Chrifl,defiring him to aflìtl vswith the power ofhis holy fpirit,that thereby we maybe freed out of the hands of thefe our fpirituall ene- mies, whole bondage and captiuitie is fo irkfome andgrie- uous veto vs. Neither Both the Lord now require that wee performe abfolute and perfedl obedience tohis commande- ments,but that to will be prefent in vs, that wee confent and approue his law to begood anddelighting init concerning the inner man,rhat we delire and indeuour toperforme that good we cannot; and forgetting that which is behinde, in- dcuour our felues to that which is before, and follow hard VhiL3.r3 ,i4, towards themarke,thoughwee cannot attaine vnto the end ofour race,till wee come to the end of our liues. Finally,the Lord doth not requireof vs a wholeharuefl ofgood`nes and righteoufnes, but the fir/} fruites thereof; he doth not (land fo much vpon our ao}ions, as vpon ouraffedtions; vpon the perfectionofour workes,as vpon the alacritie ofour willes, and integritie ofour hearts; the righteoufneffe which he re- quireth is an humble confeffion of our vnrighteoufheffe, a frncerehatred of our fumes, a holy indeuour in the vieofthe meanes to mortifie our corruptions, and to rife from the death offinne, to holinefl'eand newnes of life; whichwho- foeuer canoffer vnto God, they may affure themfelues that they (hall bee accepted throughChrifl,as righteous in Gods fight,notwithilan- ding their manifold impede- Cliorrs and corruptions. Theendofthe f toadBootie.