Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

493 THE THIRD BOOKS, INTREATING OF SANCTIFICA -- TION AND PERSEVERANCE, AS alit of Satans temptationswhich he fugge- fieth againfi themboth, andof fuch anfwers wherewith theChri- flian may refute and re- pell them. CHAP. I. OfSanílification,and thecaufes thereof. Nd fo much for the anfwering of fuch §.Sea.r. temptations ofSatan as concerneour iu- that Godis the flification. Nowweare to fpeake ofour pri»cipall efft- fan&ification, which is the next effe& ofcient ,,four Gods ele6ion, and infeparably ioyned fanti:frcatiott. with our iufiification : wherein I will obferue' my former order, firfi letting downe the doarine of fantification, and then anfwering thofe temptations ofSatan whichdoe moil impugne it. For the firti, SanEifacation is an atiionofthe whole T'rinitie, sand;frcation whereby thebeleeuer alreadieiuftified,is by littleandlittle renued vvhat it is according to Gods image in holineffe and righteoufnfffe, by the mortification of theflea, with the corruptions thereof, andthe quickeningofthefpirit. And this is our f.naification, which is expreffed in the Scriptures bydiners manes at d phrafes;for it is called rege- neration,the new birLh,renouation,thc purlingoffor morti- QN Eying ä