Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

594 OfSanEtificationand thecaufes thereof fying ofthe old man, and the putting on or gnickening of' thenewmanand fuch like. The efficient caufe of our fanSification is God himfelfe, whoas he alone iuftifieth vs and freethvs from theguilt and punifhment of finne, fo hee onely fanéifieth vsand deliue- reth vs from the tyrannie offinne, fo that itfhall no longer raigne inour mortali bodies, freeing vs in fuchmeafiireas Leuic,zo.8, pleafeth himfrom our naturali corruptions, which hereto- fore wholly ouerfwaiedvs. And this appeareth by plaine te- fliuìonies of holie Scriptures. Iohn i, i 3. it is faid that the Ioh. t t 3 faithfull areborne,not of6lood,nor ofthe *ill ofthe flefh,nor of thewill ofman,but ofGod. So Ephef.2.i o. weeare fail tobe` Gods wor1mananp, created in Chrif lefus vnto goodworkes which phrafe the Apofile vfetli tonote vnto vs, that as God onely did create vs, fo hee onely doth renue and regenerate vs. The Lord likewife doth appropriate this worke vnto Ezech. 36.26. hitnfeife asbelonging to no other.Ezech.3 6.26. Anew heart and 34s18. will Igiueyou, and a new fpirit will Iput intoyore,,>ndIwill take away the any heart out ofyour bodie,andIwillgiueyeu anheart offiefh. And hence it is that the Apoffle defiring the fan- ¿Iification of the Theffalonians beggeth it at Gods hand, t.Thef. %.x3, 1.Thef.5.23. 'The very Godofpeace fandifie you throughout. P121.51.13. And 'Dauidfinding the want hereof inhimfelfe, hathhis re- courfevnto God. Pfalrne 51, Jo. Create in mee a cleane heart, O God, andrenuearight fl iritwithinme. So that asGodBoth begin in vs this worke offan&ification, fo likewifebee Both accomplifh and finifh it. And therefore as weare wholly to afcribevntoGodour ele6lion, vocation and iuflification, fo altoour fan6ification, that hee maybe all in all in the werke Gen.i.:S, ofour faluation. For as he only formed vs,fo hee only can re- forme vs,as he is the author ofour natural! generation,for by his bleffingwe haue ourbeing, foalfo ofour fpirituall rege- neration,forbyhis fpirit onely weearc renued.Ncither mua wee imagine that it is in mans power to renue himfelfe, no more then tobeget himfelf: for: as well may theBlackmoore change hisskinne, or the'Leopard his fpots, as we doe good Icreai.=3.z3, who areaccuf}omed to doe euill, Ierem. i 3.23, yea, as cafily may