Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

s O fSaiElif7cation andthe eaufesthereof. 595 may the dead manraife himfelfe, as wee may raife our felues from the deathofGntonewneffeoflife ,Ephef.2.i.Itisonly Ephef.s.s. the water ofGods fpirit that can wafh away our Ethiopian blackneffe, and turne our fpotted vncleanneffe into fnowie whiteneffe ; it is onely the Godof life that can make vs rife from the death ofGnne tonewneffe oflife. But heere it maybee demanded, that iffan&ificationbee wholly theworkeofGod,and not in ourowne power, why doe the Scriptures exhort vs to fanaifie our felues, to morti- fie our finnes, and to walke in newneffe oflife? I anfwere, that though fanaification bee wholly from God,yet thefe exhortations are neccffarie; for hee worketh this worke in vs,not as in f}ockes and f}ones,but as in reafonable creatures, ofwhomhee requireth confent ofwill, delire and endeuour in thevfeoldieme.anes ordainedof God, for thebeginning andperfeaing of this workeoffanaification in vs. And al- though this will,defire,and endeuour,be his workelikewife, yet thefe exhortations to godlineffe are to good purpofe; for with the exhortation God ioyneth theoperation of his fpirit,and whilef}heècommandeth vs, he giueth power allo to performe that which he commandeth ; heeexhor- teth vs to fanaification, hee himfelfe fan6ifieth vs with his fpïrir. Now further wee are toknow, that as all other workes of sea 2. Godwhich he exercifeth towards his creatures, fo this work That the worke offan6}ification likewife is common unto the three perlons ofjar,FthóatiÓ in the Trinitie : forfirfi God theFather fanaifieth vs bygi- is common to wing vs his Sonne and fending his Spirit, and therefore this in unity. work is afcribedvntohim,Tit.3.5.Eph.2.4.5.God the forme fan&ifieth vs,bymortifying our fins by vertueofhisblood, EphZ,4. purgingour confciences from dead workes, that wee mayHeb.9.14. ferue the liningGod, and by vertue of his refurre&ion rai- fingvs alto from the deathof finne to newneffe oflife : and lat}ly, byhis death hath merited for vs Gods fpirit, and ri- ling againe hath fent himvnto vs, wherebywee areregene- rate : and therefore hee alto is faid to baue fan6ified vs, and God is faid to haue fanóuified vs inhim, Eph.5.26. i.Cor.2. Ephe.5.26 . s z. God the holyGhof} alto fanaifieth vs, by applying th LCor.2.u. CA 2 vertue