Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

AEi.i1,16. Tit,3.s. gSe41.3. The motiue caufeGods folemercie. 3.PCt.1.3. EpheLz. S. Eph.a.i.3. 596 OfSanETi fcationandthecaufesthereof. vertueofChrills death and refurrec`lion vntovs, and fo ìm- mediatlybeginneth, continueth,and perfc Ìeth this worke invs, and therefore moll vfually in the Scriptures this worke isafcribedveto him,Ioh.3.5.6. A6t. t x , t 6. Tit.3.5. And thus it appeareth that God himfelfe is the principali and onelyefficient caufe ofour fan6lification; vpon which point I haue the longer inffled, to the end that we fhould not in this worke reft vpon our ovine flrength, for then wee Ihall bee fiibieól to manydifcouragements, and lie open to innumerable temptations,grounded vpon our fnall weafure and flow progreffe in our fand}ification, as alfo vpon the great difficulties and manifolde difcouragements, which both flay vs in thebirth, and hinder our full growth in true godlineffe ; all which in refpe&of our ovine power prooue this worke notonely hard,but euen impolble forvs to bee perfe&ed and accomplifhed. But rather that wee relie our felues vpon the Lords infinite power and gracious promifes, wherebywee are affured, notwithflanding our owne excee- dingweakneffe, that hee will not onelybegin,but alto finifh and perfedl this goodworke invs. And thus much concerning the principal) efficient caufe ofour fan&ification.The motiue caufe which mooned the Lord to fand}ifie vs, was his ovine mercie and Chrifls me- rits. The firfl is expreffed by the Apofile, i.Pet.1.3. whereas it is faid, that Godaccording to his abundant mercie bath bejot- tenvsagaine, &c. TheOther is implied by Paul, Ephefa.5. whereheefaith,that God bathquickened vs in Chrifi; who by his death meritednot onely the remiffìon offinnefor vs, but alfoGods fpirit, whereby wee are fan6hfied. So that it was not any good inclination vnto holinefïe in vs, or any thing elfe whereinweexcelledothers, which mouedGod to fan6lifie vs, for wee were all alike the childreno fwrath, and deadinour 17nnes, but onely his owne boundleffe mercie and the alfufficient meritsof Chrift our Sauiour, were theonely caufes which mowed the Lord to giue vshis fpirit, whereby we are regenerate and railed from the death offinne to ho- lineffe and newneffe of life. And therefore let vs not arro- gate the praifeofour fan6}ification in whole orin part vnto our