Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

s OfSanNiflcation and thecaufes thereof 597 our Canes,but afcribe all theglorie to Godwho is the foie author and finifher ofit. The inftrurnentalí caufes ofour fanuification, are either §, Set1.4. externall,or internall ;the externall are firfl the wordofGod, of the infila- ofwhich our Sauiour fpeakethIoh.t 5.3. Noware you cleane e tajean f through the'*wrdwhich 1hauefpokenvetoyou. And cap.i 7.17. cation. SanElifie themwith thy truth : thy word is truth.So the Apoftle oh. s. a. lames, chap.t . t8. Ofhis owewill begat he vs with thewordofand 'I 7:!;. truth, r c. And theApoí}lePeter affirmeth, that we are borne lam'. anew, not ofmortall feede,but o fimmortall by the word of God, z;. &c. ThewordofGod therefore is an infirumentall caufe of our fanlification. In which refpe6 alfo the Minifters, by wholeminifterie wee are conuerted andregenerate, are Paid tobe our fpirituall fathers who haue begotten vsvnto God : as appeareth,z.Cor.4.15.and bothwhich places Paulchallengeth this title vnto himfelfe.Anotherex- rbilcmp' 1e ternall caufe ofour fanlification are the Sacraments, efpe- cially theSacrament 'ofBaptifme;whereofit is that Ananias faith unto `Paul, A61.22.i6.r4rifeandbebaptized,ardma(ha4 16. by thy fins. is Paid that Chriíl gaue hirnfelfe z6. for his Church,that he might fanEtifie it and cleanfe it by th H P wafhingofwater through theword. The which places. as they are tobe vnderftood principallyofthe wafhing ofiuflificati- on,whereby weare purged from the guilt andpunifhment of fin;fo alfo of thewafhing of fanaification,wherebywee are cleanfed from the fins and corruptions theIfelues. The internall inftrumentof our fanaification, is aliuely faith, without which, the other outward initrurents are vn- effe6tuall, in thofe who are ofyeeres; neither muffwe think that thebareActionofhearingorthe outvrardwafhing,take awayour fins and corruptions, vnlefíe the word and things fignified in the Sacraments' bee applied vnto vs by a true faith.For the word whichWee heareprofiteth not, vnleífe it bemixedwith faith in thofe that heare it, Heb.4.. a. Andvn- Hcb.4 :. leífe thofe that are capable of faith, beleeue with all their heart, it is tonopurpófe to be baptized, A&.8.3 7.and there- forçvnto the otherwemuft ioyne this inftrument ofaRudy faith, ifwewould attaine unto true fan6tification For faith Q.q3