198 OfSantíicationand thecaufis thereof Aa;.9. purifieth the heart, and is fruitful' in .the .workes of lone, as the Scripture fpeaketh. $.Seti.g. And thus.haue I fet downe the efficient caufes of our fan- of the manner 6tification. Ii, the next place let vs Anfider of the manner brow eurfan- how this worke is wrought in vs. For the vnderllanding a'fFallon is whereofwee are toknow, that webeingvni tedvntoChrill,. vr,ro: bt, b Gods f irit and inflrumentally by a liuely principally . Y P faith, and fomade members ofhis myllicall body, doe par- ticipate the vertue ofhisdeath, burial', and refurreééion, wherebynot onely our inaification, but alto our fan6li.fica- tion is deriued vnto vs.. For firfi, by vertueofhis death our finnes aremortified, and our corruptions crucifiedtogether. Rom.6.6. withhim: as appeareth Rom.6.6. Knowing this, that ourold manis crucifiedfrith htm, that the body, ofPine might bee de- firoyed,thathenceforth welhouldnotferue_finne. Secondly, by vertue ofhis burial!, this death of finne is as it were fury ther continued, and thereby our finnes and corruptions are_ more andmore fubducd and kept vn ler, that they cannot rife and rebelagain''the ípirit: Ahd_ofthis the Apofile fpea- Roa?3 keth, Rom.6.3. where he faith, that :we4reeburiedwith Cbr into his death. Thirdly, by vertueofhis refurrcaion there is a. quickeningpower deriued into vs,wherebywe are reuiued . andrailed vp from the death ofßnne to holineffc and new- cat 11.13, mireof life. And of this..mention is made Coloff 2.12.13. Rom.6.,E. where it is faid, that as lie areburied ibith Chrf,fo lij¿esrife theare nailed vp and quickened together withhim; and Rom._ 6.4. the Apof le faith,.thatwe are buriedwithhim bybapttßra into tiffs death, that like as Chrig zvas raifed vp from the dead by theglerieofthefather,foweeafa fhould walke innewnefie of life. Se.6 And this is the manner .according to which Godwor-. ._ °fihe ends of keth fan6lification in vs. Nowwee arebriefly to fpeake of sur(anuifta- theother caufes, as they lie in order. The material' and for, f1°n' mall caufes of our fan&ification may bell be confidered in the parts thereof. The finall caufe is two-fold: Gods glorie, which is the chiefe and principal' caufe ofour fanlifica- tion; and theeternal' faluationof thofe who are íanelified, `which isfubQrdinate to th,e. áther. For, the.,ñrfl, that pods; glorie