Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

OfSanitificationand thecaufes rhereo f 599 glorie is the endofallour good a&ions and holy conuerfa= tion,it appearethMat.Si 6. Letyour lightfo Thine before men, Mattb.5.i6. that they may feeyourgoodworkes, andglor:fieyourfather which is in heauen. So i .Pet.z. iz. Haue your conuerfation honeft a- t_Pet.:,it. mong the Gentiles, that they whichfpeake eutll ofyou as 'of euill doers, maybyyourgoodworkes which they(hall fee, glorifie God in thedayofviftation. And the Apoftle Paul willeth vs, that we doeall things whatfoeuer to the glorie ofqod, r .Cor. t 0.3 I i; t; For the other, we are therefore fanzlified that wee may be faued, and alfobe alluredofour faluation : and this we may gather out oftheApoftles words Tit.3.5.7. where he faith, Tit, 3. 5,7, that Godbathfamedvs by thewafhing ofthe Herr birth, and re- nu:ng of theholy Ghofi, that irefhould be made heires o feternall life. Neither canwe euer enioy euerlafl inghappinefle,vnlefle Ioh.3.3. webe regenerate, according to that Ioh.3.3.Except aman be borne againe, hecannotfee the l,'ingdome ofClod. So theApofile faith, thatfefh andblood cannot inherit the kingdome of God,®. neither Bothcorruption inherit vncorruption,i .Cor.t 5.5o.And Apoc.zt .2,7. it is faid, that no vncleane thing (hall enter into A P oesi.s9. Gods kingdome : and therefore the ApoilleHeb.r 2.14. vfeth this as aneff&wall argument to moo= vs to embrace fan- etification, becaufewithout this holineffe no man (hall fee the Lord. On the other fide, ifweëbee regenerate and fhew the fruites thereofin aholy conuerfation, by dying to finne, and rilingagaine tonewneíleoflife, thenmaywee bee certainly alluredofour faluation : and therefore theApoftle vvilleth vs by thefe workes ofholinefle tomare our calling and elution s pee r,ao. fore, affirming, that ifwe doe thefe things Wee (hall neuer fall, ...15.0.111=momis.. CHAP. H. O f the ofeEts,fubtel't,obied,..and timeofour fanll ifzcation. He principali effe&s ofour fan&ification, are a teflation of our fo'rmer`finnes in Which wee haue ojibe rffct7s taken ourpleafurearid delight, and an heartie loue a fatiá anaj ofrighteoufneffeandholindle, which before our regenera- li tiotl . 4