Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

boo Oftheendr,egeEsandfubieEit ofourfitnElfcatior. ;ion were loathfome and vnpleafant vnto vs ; when not- withfiandingour infirmities and often falles, wee can .fay with theApofile Paul, that wee would faine doe that good wee cannot,and hate that euil which we doe :and howfoeuer wee cannot,performe perfe4 obedience to all Gods corn- mandernents,yet wedelight in the Ian' o fGod in the inner man,. R m7 I5. Rotm7.15.19,22. Secondly, from thefeaff'eóuionsoflouing X9.22 goodandhating euill, there arifethan earnefl delire to em, brace the one and flee the other, and from this delire pro cegdeth a fetledpurpofe ofheart, anda carefitll endeuour to mortifie our flefh with the corruptions thereof, andfor the time to come to frame our liues according to the rule of Godsword: thewhich purpofe and indeuour is ioyned with the diligent vfe ofall goodmeanes, wherebywe may attaine unto our delire. Thirdlie, when as this delire and indeuour to leadeagodly life is hindred by our fpirituall enemies, the . flefh,the world and the díuell,there followeth in themanre- generatea fpirituall combat, whereinhe ftrugleth and fri-. ueth towithaand their temptations,and to goe forward in hiscourfe ofholie obedience. And ifheepreuaile andfoile his fpirituall enemies,then there followeth peace ofconfci- ence and ioy in the holie Ghofi; but ifhee bee ouercorne and led. captiue unto finne, through the violence oftheir temptations, then .dothhee not lie flill and Puffer finne to raigne in him, but hee feeketh to rife.againebyvnfained re- pentance, .which is_accompanied with thefe feuen fruites 2,C9r.7,11. Firft, acare to leade that fin into whichhe is fallen.Secondly, an uttercondemning ofhimfelfe for it. Thirdly,an holy an- geragainf hirtfelfe for his fall. Fourthly,a feare left againe he fhould fall intothe fame finne. Fiftly, a delire: euer after topleafe.God. Sixtly,azeale.ofthe fame. Seuenthry,reuenge vponhimfelfe for his former. offence. And thefeare the ef- fe6ts of true fanaification, which whofoeuer can finde in himfelf:,hemay beallured that he isfan6ifiedand hall bee faued 5' The fubied in which this worke of fanaification is Ofthe labial wrought is all and euery oneofGodsEle6,and themonlie: efdrur ¡anîitf- nei V ther is .there any fanaified but thofe onely that are e.. fV/f D leded >í