OfthefubieUofourfanCaf7cation. 601 le6 cd and (hall be faued, as appeareth,Ephef.i.4.. Neither isthis workebeguninany one part of them alone, but in all the parts, powers, and faculties of,fouleand bodie, as appeáreth,i.The.5.a3.The Cod o fpeacefan5tifieyou throrsgh-. out. The mind is inlightned with the true knowledge of Gods will reuealcd in his word, which beforewas blinded with ignorance. Thememorie is inabled to retaine thcfc ho- ly things,whichthe vnderflandingconceiueth.The wil fleeth that which is mill, and imbraceth that which is good. The affee}ions arepurged from their corruptions, andmade fer- uiceable to holy reafon. The body allo is fan6lified, and made a fit. Temple for the hohe Ghoil : fo that whereas heretofore ;the members thereof were the readie fervents ofvnrighteoufneJfe vntolinne, they are now become theferuaßts ofrighteoufneffe untoholinejje. Lafllie, the a6lions and out-- wardconuerfation which heretofore were finfull and fcan- dalous, are now hohe and righteous, feruing both for the advancement of Gods glorie, and the edification of our Ch iftianbrethren. In a word, whofoeuer are truliefanai- fled, they are alfowhollie fan&ified, thatis, as theApo!{le fpeaketh, fan6ified throughout, in euery part and facultie ofbodie and foule. And therefore whofoeuer would bee aífured that heebath attained truefantification, he is tola- bour to compofeand frame the whole man, his. minde and imagination, his will and affe&ions, his outw.ard.aelions, life and conuerfation, according to the exaa rule ofGods law inall of them mortifying the old man, and his inbred corruption, and imbracing the contrarie duties ofholineffe andrighteoufnefïe. Otherwife ifour,fan6tificationbee not ofthewholeman, and euerie part intheirfeúerall meafure, it will in the endbe vaine and fruitleffe :for as it is to nopur- pole for citizensbeingbefieged, to fortifie oneplace of the wall, and leaueanother part vnfortified, or to keepe Brait watch at fonte ofthe gates and leaueothers open fo it will not auaile vs to fortifie fome- parts againfl the power of firme, and to leaue others weake' and naked, nor to gard íbme ofthe:outward paffages ofthe. fenfes, and negleéling fotneother, fuffer them .lie as anopen entrance to let in mlàr Pfa'm.I19.i8. Cof.I.9. )131.1 19 11. Rom.7.I 8. .Cór.3.16,, Rom 6.19.