Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

§.Sec`.3. Ofthe obicg and time of ()srfanCtifica- tion. , poca2.1i. 46o2 Ofthefrbie51;cbiea,and timeofotsrfanElification, -our fpirituall enemies, for fo theywill eafly furprife vs, .and leade vs captiue vnto hnne ; but ifwe would be in any. fife- tie in this ílrait liege, we muff leta flrong gard, and a care- full watch, ouer euerie part and facultic of our bodies and foules. Theobie6t ofourfan&ification about which it is exerci- 'fed, is Panne and corruption, and hohneffe and righteouf- neí1`e, that wetnay flie the one,and imbrace the other, mor- tifie the flefh and the lulls thereof, and be quickned in the fpirit, that wee maybeeconformable in all holie obedience vnto the lawofGod, auoidingthat which beebath forbid- den, and labouring toperforme that .which bee hath com- manded. The timé when lanaification' is wrought in vs, isprefent lic after wee are effecluallie called and.iuflified ; for asfoone as the vertue and power of Chrifis obedience,`'deáth and rtfurre6tion, isapplied vntovs bya h uelie faith, it' dothnot onelie freevs from the guilt and punifhment of finne, but 'alfo mortifie the fl-efh with the corruptions thereof, and quickneth vs in the inner man, enabling vs to forfakeour former finnes, and taferue the Lord inholineffe andnew- neffe of life. But howfoeuer our 'fanóification bee,bè un prefentlie,after our conuerfion, yet it is not fo foone fini- `fhed; but as thefeede beingcall into'the ground, ddth`firft take roote, and then is fcarcelie difcerned, Afterwards fhoo- teth forth into a blade, and fo fpringeth vp by little and little,till it bringeth forth an care, and laflly,it ripeneth and yeeldeth to the lower plentifull increafe : fowhen firfl the feedes offanelification -are Towne in vs, by vertue ofGods fpirit, they hauea time to take rooting, when as they make little or no Phew to our felucs or others,but afterwards they fend forth as, it were a bladeof aholie profeflïon, and the ripe fruits of gódlinefle. Notwithflanding thefeTruites in this life are not purely cicane, and without tñixture; but as in the fairef} field,there is amongfl the cleanefl wheate fome tares and cockell fo in thäfe that are mofi fandified, there are many corruptions of the flefh, mixed with the goód bruites ofthe fpirit,the which the Chriflian is fill inweeding ,arid