Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

OfthepartsofSanrftfication. 603 and pluckingvpbÿ the rootes foIong as he liueth, but yet; can .neuer ouercome this great worke, the°.winter of- death whollienipped.and killed there weedes off-tune. We mull not therefore prefentlic after our conuerflon, dreatne` of aperfeéion in fan&ification nonor yet at the Frli, eíli- mate the truenefhe thereofby thegreatnefhe ofthemeafure for as it is in the naturali generation and growthof thebo- dy,fo alto in fpirituall regeneration ; all is not finifhedat the firfi, but perfe6ledby degrees. As foone as wee are conuer- ted, we arebut babes-.inChrifl, and in refpe& ofourinfan- i£c6'f'14° cie inknowledge,faithand other graces, filch as haue neecie"Rom 8 29. rather ofmilke, thenwf/fronQmeate: in the-ref}ofour life wee growvp from firength toí}rength, till wee come to mans eflate, vntowhich age wee cannot properlybe faid to haue attained, tillby deathwee whollie layafide theold man,and thecorruptions thereof: and lafilie, wee attaine toour con- fumrnation and full perfeClion, when at the latter daie wee !hall rife again; and both inbodie and -foule bee indued .: with perfeói holinffe, wherebywe fi-tall be-enabled to per- forme obedienceto Godswill, in thatdegree .which his iu fllice requireth. a.........._....... ------,- CHAP. III. Oftheparts of f .naificationa He parts offànclificationarc two; mortificati- §,Seel.I. 1 on, and viuification, the whichalfo are Paid to That fanaift- i be the parts of true repentance, but in a di- cation contai- uers fenfe : for they arei attributed vnto fan- nette tove Etification, as they are the worke and action parts,lnertif y cationand vt- :. ofGod,who by his holy fpirit doth mortifie andquicken tufcati,on. vs, and is the foie author and caufe' of our fanetification; andvnto repentance,as they haue. reference vnto vs, -who being regenerate and indued with Gods; fpirit, doe labour in the mortification-of our corruptions] And indeuour to feruetheLord in newnefleoflife ;'for,SpiritufanEfo 4 is i- ma,weebeing firfi mooned .and let aworke by Gods fpirit, doe.