Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

ifaL 34.14. mid 37.2.7. Efa.1.16.17. RoII7.f.I1.1. ph.4.12..a;. §.Sea.2. of mortifica- tion what it is andhovv it is wrought. Re11).5.4. s. 604 Oft 2crtrfcation. doe worke togetherwith him. Thisdiuifion hath it ground and warrant inmany places of holy Scriptures, in which it is expreffed in diuers phrafes and formes offpeech. Pfal. 34. 14. E.fchew euill iznddoegood. Efa.I . I 6.17. Ceafe to doe eutll, learne todoe well. Rom.6.i i. likewifc, thinke ye alto that ye aredead tofnne, but arealine to god in Iefus Chrifi our Lord. Andv.I8. Beingfreefromfnyearemade the feruants ofriQh- teoufneffe. Ephef.4.22. Thatyecaf? offconcerning theconaaerfa- tics in timepaff the old man, which i6 corrupt through the de. ceivable lulls. 23. eflnd 6e renued in thefpirit ofyour minde. 24. findput on the new man,Which after Godis createdin ri-& teoufneffeandtrue holineffe. So Rom.7.4.8.x 3. I .Cor.5.7.Co1. 2.1 2.3.9. Ga1.5. 16. I .Pet.2.24.3 . i i .By all whichplaces and many others it is deere and manifcf+, that our fandlification confiflethofthefe two parts, the mortifying ofthe flefh,and the quickning ofthe fpirit, e'tortification is thefirifparto ffanEification,' vherein the fJ ir:t ofGod applying vntovs the vertue andpower ofChrifis death andburial!, doth by little andlittleweaken, fubdue, and ill in vs our naturali corruption, thefefh and the lulls thereof fo that theyare notfo powerfull as in times paf? to flirre vp in ourmindes euillmotions lchichare contrarie to thewillandword of God. In thisdefcription is let downe,firPt the caufe ofourmor- tification, which is the vertue and efficacieofChrifis death and buriall, communicated and appliedvnto vs by the fpi- rit of God, whereby wee are ingrafted into the body of Chrifl, and fo made partakers of the power and vertue of Chrifis death, which being deriued vnto vs, doth not onely take away theguilt and pun'ifhment ofPinne, but alfodoth mortifieand kill our naturali corruptions, which heretofore wholly ruledand ouerfwaied vs. Secondly, the forme, man- nerand progreffe of this worke is here expreffed, namely, the weakning, fubduing, and killing ofour corruption by little and Iittle ; fo that this worke is not perfe6led at once, and inan inflant, but by degrees : fini it is weakned and the power thereoffomewrhat abated, fo as though it beare fway in vs, yet it dothnot wholly ouerrule vs without refiflance, as