Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

o80bietliont thenfrom teftitnoniesofScripture ,arrfwered. Cher. For he is reprooued that is reieaedand difapprooued vfGodand the Church,as an euill and vnworthie Minif}er; whole lifeand conuèrfation isnot agreeable tohis wordand do&rine. And therefore Paul being appointed anApofile andMinifier to teachothers the waiesof righteoufneffe and holineffe, doth"carefullybeatedownehisflefh,and indeuou- reth tomortifie the corruptions thereof,lefixemaitioothers, jand neglecting thepra6fife ofhis owne do rive, he fhould be reieaed and reprooued as an euill teacher. Secondlie, though thisplace fhould be vnderfiood of eternall reproba tion, yet it maketh nothing again(} the certaintieofPaul: perfeuerance ; for he doth not fay that he could become a re- probate,but that he would vfe this meanes that hemight not become a reprobate. Now to vfe the meanes to preferue himièlfe frombecomminga reprobate, doth not prooue the poílìbilitieofhis reprobationbut the certaintie ofhisperfe- uerance,feeing the meanes of perfeuerance are no lelfecon rained in Cods counfell and decree then perfeuerance it felfe. So that as theLord bath decreed that we fhouldnot be reprobates, and that we fhould perfeuere in grace,fo alto he hath decreed that wee fhould beate downe our flefh,and mortifie thecorruptions therof,that fo our perfeuerancemay be confirmed,andwe preferued from defection and reproba. tion;ashe hathele6tedvs toeternall life,fo heehath altode- creed that we fhouldvfe themeans wherbywe might make i.Pet.t io: our election fure,as heexhorteth, therfore the careful! vfeofthefe meanesdoth not !hew the doubtfulneífe, butrather the infallible certaintie ofour ele Sion and perfe- Rom.8.384 s uerance.And thisappeareth in theApofile Paul, who as hee 2.Cor.13.6, doth in this place with al diligencevfe this meanesofmorti- fication,ÿ he might notbecome areprobate,fo in other pla- ces he profeffeth his certaine a1furäce ofperfeuering inGods §.Seí . s. loue,and thatheneither was nor couldbecome a reprobate. Ga1.3. 3. The thirteene place obìe6 ed is Ga1.3.3. are yeefofoo- What is meant liJh,that afteryee hauebegun in the /,iirit,yee wouldno*bemade by beginning in perfeft by thefefh. From which lace they thusreafon : The the inirit,and that be in in the f lrtt may fall away and end in the flea:: ending in the g P but they that beginitalic fpirit,are truely regenerate : ther-. fore