Matth, r;. zo Heb.6.4.5. g.Sea.6. Gal. 5 4 How the Ga- dathians were Paid to be abo- 1jbedfrom Chrift. 71 0ObieNions taken from teftir ones ofScripture,anfivered. them. Thewhich theirpradlife hee condemneth ofextreme folly, becaufe they left the do6trine ofthe Gofpell, which brought them into the glorious liberty ofthe Tonnes ofGod, and reduced theinfelues into the (late offeruitude and bon- dage vnder the law and the curie thereof,fromwhich Chrift hathdeliuered thofe that beleeuing in him,doe wholly and folie reel vpon him for their iuflification and faluation, And this expofition agreeth moil clecrely with the context of this chapter, and the maine drift ofthe Apofile in this place. But though wee íhould expound thofe words according to that feiife which they force out of them, yet would they make nothing for their purpofc : for hee loth not write this vetoparticular beleeuers, who were truely iuflified and fanaified,but vnto thofe foolifh Galathians who had left the dodlrine of the Gofpell, of which formerlie they had made forceprofeflïon, and imbraced the doh}rive ofthe falte Apofiles. And therefore he faithnot,that they were'truly and throughly regenerated byGods fanaifying fpirit, but only that they had begun in thefpirit, that is, had in force meafure bin inlightned and taflcdof the heauenlygift,and theword ofGod, receiuing it for the prefent with ioy,andmaking an outward profeffion thereof, like thofe temporizers ofwhom, our Sauiour Chrift, and the Apofile fpeake, Matth. i 3.20. Heb.6.4.5 The fourteenth place obiecrled,is Galath.5.4. Te areabo- liJhedfrom Chrft (or, as it is in the originall, yee are made voile and emptie of Chri/t, that is, Chrift is vnto you vn- profitable) whofoeuer are iuflified by the lazy , yee are fallen from grace. From which place they thus real-on : The Ga- lathians looking to bee iuflified by the law were aboli- fhed from Chrifl and did fall from grace : but they were eleeled and indued with faith : and therefore force who are eleóled and indued with faith, may beeabolifhed from Chrifi and fall from grace. I anfwere firfi to the affumption, that thofeGalathians which looked to bee iuflified by the , law, were not ele&ed, ifthey did perfeuere in this their he- relie; and therefore it maketh nothing againfl our queflion lithepropofition be vnderfloodoffuch; for wee grant that they