Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

ObieElions takenfrom tetimonies ofScripïur'e,infc'ered. 711 they who feeke for iuflification by theworkes ofthe law by themfeluesperformed, being not elected maybe abolifbed fromChris, and fall from grace. Yea but, fay they, thefe Galathians were in ChriPonce, and in the (late ofgrace, or elfe they couldnot fitlybe Paid to bemade voide and emptie ofChriíl,and to haue fallen from grace: for how can theybe madeelliptic of Chria and fall from grace, who werenot firíl filled with Chriíl and in the {late of grace ? I anfwere, that thefephrafes arc too much racked, to the end they may force them tomake a confeffion againíl the truth ; for to bee made voide ofChria fignifieth tohaue no part and commu- nion in Chriíl, nor any profit byhis death and righteoufnes ; ill which fenfe the Apoílle fpeaketh in this place, namely, that thofe who looke to bee iullified by the workesofthe law(hall haue no communion,part nor profit inChriíl. And fo it accordeth with the fecond verfe, If yeebee ctrcumcifed, Chriílfhall profit younothing. And to fall from grace fignifi- ethnot to fall from fanu`hfying grace,but from the do&rine ofgrace,namely, the Gofpell. So that the fenfe is this,who- foeuerwill not content thetnfelues with the righteoufneffe offaith, but feeke for righteoufneffe inthe law,theyhaue no communionwith Chriíl, and are fallen from the do6lrine- of grace taught in the Gofpell, to the righteoufneffe which is ofthe law. And whereas whilef they did imbrace the do- arine oftheGofpcll, they feemed tobe in the Rate ofgrace, they now falling from theprofeffion of this truth, and im- bracing the righteoufneffe which is of the law, doe make it manifefl, that they arenot in theRate ofgrace,and that they neuer from their hearts imbraced the do&rineoftheGof- pell, teeing theyrenounce the free grace therein offered and 4 SeCi.7. fubie6l themfelues to thebondage ofthe law. The 5. place obie&ed is i.Tim.i.i9. Harsingfaithanda iTisi.1.19. Xoodconfcience, which force haue put away, and as concerning 4t óS'8. faithhauemadefhipwrache.The like placesvnto this are thefe, yhhat is i .Tim.4,i . Now the ¡1'iritfpeaketh evidently that in the lat- meant byde- ter timesfomefball depart from thefaith. And 5.8. If there be nying,dePar- any thatprouideth not forbic orrne, &c. he denieth the faith, and in from,and is tvorf thanan infidell. And6.1o. The define ofr onie is the tzráck jb. Z z 4 route A