712 Ol'ieítionr takenfrom tefimoníei ofScripture, ufwered. rooteo fill euill, which wxhilefame lu/ledafier they erredfrom the faith. From whichplaces they thus reafon: They that may make fhipwracke offaith,and deny,departand erre from the faith, theymaylofe their faith, and confequently fá.11 away andperifh; but force may make fhipwracke of their faith, &c. and therefore force may lofe their faith, fall awayand perifh. I anfwere, that this word faith is diuerflie taken in the Scriptures; fometimes for the doálrineoffaith So A61. M.6.7. 6.7. Anda great corpanie ofPrieliawere obedient to thefaith. Gal. 3.z. Ga1.3.z. Receirtedyee thefOrit by the workerofthe14w, or by GaI.;I : ;S. the hearing offaith? So Rom.12.6. Ga1.3. 23. Sometimes Rom,;. ;, for fidelititi e or faithfulnes in the performance ofones word Heb. I1,6, andpromife. SoRom.3.3. Shall their vnbeleefe make thefaith ofGodwithout of elt ? Sometimes fora perfwafion whereby we beleeue God. SoHeb.11. And hereof alto thereare di- uers kinds betides the true iuflifying faith; as the faith ofmi- racles, a general( or hifforicall faith,a legall faith,a tempora., rie faith, ofall which the queffion is not to be vnderflood, but onely ofa true, liuely, and iuflifying faith, where_ by the beleeuer doth apprehend and applie vnto himfelfe particularly Chrifl andhis righteoufleffe and merites. Now the places before alleaged are not to be vnderflood ofthis iuflifying faith, but of the do&rine offaith, and therefore make nothing againíl the dodfrine of perfeuerance. For fir fl,whereas Paul faith that Hymeneau and e4lexanderhad made fhipvvracke offaith, hismeaning is,that theywerebe- comeheretikes and apoflates from that truthwhich theyhad 2.Titn.t.i 8. profeffed. And this appeareth 2.Tim.2.18. where (peaking ofthis Alexander and ?hyletm, he faith,thatthey had erred concerning the truth, Paying, that thereflrreCtion waspall &Tim,q. r, alreadie. Secondly, whereas he faith, x.Tim 4.1. that force fhould departfrom the faith, he expoundeth his meaning in thewords following,faying, that theyfhouldgiueheede to the f irits oferror,anddotfrine ofdiuelr, that is, they fhould leaue the fincere truth ofthe Gofpell, and fuffer themfelues to bee feducedwith theherefiesofAntichrifl. Thirdly,whereas he faith cap.5.v.8.that they that prouidenotfor thofhoare vn- dertheir chargedense thefaith; hee meaneth the doó`lrine of faith