O'biecliions takenfrom telimonies ofScriptHre,anfwered. 713 faith,which teacheth vs tohaue care not onlyofour felues but allo of thofe that belong to vs. Laftly,whereas he faith, that couetous men doe erre from the faith, he meaneth the do&rine ofthe Gofpell, which teacheth that we fhould,not lay vp our treafures vpon the earth,nor ferue this vnrightcous Mammon. And fecondlie, though it fhould be vnderftood of iuílifying faith, it were nothing to their purpofe,feeing a couetousworldling mayerre from the faith,though hewere neuer indued therewith. Seeing therefore thefe places are tobe vnderilood of the do&rine offaith, which aworldling and reprobate may know and profeffe as well as the ele6t, therefore theymake nothing for the proouing ofthe poffibi- litie ofa defeálion from a true iuflifying faith, and confe- quently infringe not thedo&rine ofperfeuerance. The fixteenth placeobie&ed isHeb.6.4. For it is rmpof- 4.Sec` .8. ble that they uh chwereonce lightned,and haue tattedofthebed- Heb.6.4. cx- uenlygift, andwere madepartakersofthe holy Ghoft. 5. cflnd pcundcd. haue tatted ofthegood wordofGod,andofthepowersofthe world tocome. 6. If theyfall atbay,fbould be renelbedagaine by repen- tance, feeing theycrucifie againe to themfelues the fanneofGod, andmakeamockeofhim. Fromwhich place they thus reafon: Thofe who are inlightned and haue tailedofthe heauenly gift, and weremade partakers ofthe holyGhoft, and haue tailed,&c.theymay fo fal away,as ÿ they cannot be renewed by repentance:but fuch are the ele& ofGod and his faithfull ones; and therefore the ele& and faithfull may fo fall away as that theycannotbe renewed by repentance. Towhich_I anfwere, that there is no found part in this fyllogifine; for firft the afhumption is to be denied as falle; neither can it be prooued that the Apoftle dothhere vnderftand anele& and faithful! man in this defcription, but an hypocrite whohath onely a temporarie faith ; feeing he dothnot here fet downe peculiar properties ofthe ele& and faithfull; but fuch as are gr common vnto them with temporizing hypocrites : as may appeare ifwe examine the particulars. For by illightning he What is vnderílandeth the illumination ofthe mind with theknow- ledge 'h t cy i ofGofpell,which is common to the faithfull with by- 7,ghtaing. pocrites, whooftentimes ttaine vnto an hiíloricall know- .