ObieF1ions takenfrom teftimoniesofScripture, jasafevered. y i had, andgive it to the poore, and take vphis croffe and fol- low Chrifl,he relinquifhed his former fuite andwent away forrowfull. LaftIy,bybeingmade partakers ofthe holie Ghofl,hevn- What is meant derfiandeth the gifts ofthe holie Ghoft,which alto a're of by beingmade two forts : firft, fuch as are the gifts ofthe fanélifying fpirit, partakers boy of . but not the gifts offan6Iification,which are allo common to hypocrites,as knowledgeofthe Gofpell, a fudden and tern- porarie ioy in hearing the word, a defire tobe conformable thereunto in fome things, and fuch like.Secondly,fuch as are thegifts ofthe fpirit as it fanéifieth, or the gifts offandlifi- Mar.6.:o. cation,as faith,charitie, repentance and fuch like, whichare peculiar to the ele&. Nowwe are tovnderfiand the Apoffle in thisplace of the former common gifts, and not ofthefe latter which are proper to the faithfull. But it is furthervrged,that we are here to vnderftand the 4.Sea.9. ele&and fa ithfull which fall away,becaufe hefaith that they What is meant crucifie Chrifi againe vnto themfelues ; whereof it fallow- by crucifying cth,that hee was once crucified for thembefore, and conte- Cbri¡l againe. quently that theywere ele&ed, feeing Chrifl died only for fuch. Ianfwere, firfi, that the word (againe) is not to be re- ferred to the words following (vnto themfelues) but to the wordcrucifyinggoing before. Secondly,by crucifyingvnto themfelues,we are not tovnderftand crucifying or dying for them, or fortheir faluation, whereby is noted the finali end ofChrifs death, but his crucifying by them (as they were the fpiteful and tnalitious infiruments ofhis death)vnto their Tuft condemnation. For as the Iewes did once malitiouflie crucifieChrifl our Sauiour vpon the crotte, fo thofe are faid to crucifie him againewho defpife and contemne him, and his fufferings,andmake amockeofthem. And in this fente `Paulfaith,that the world ma crucifiedvntohzm, andbee unto theworld,Gal.6. i 4. that is, as the world did contemne and Gal.6. I4; bafely efteemehim, fodid hee contemne andbafely eíleeme the worldand the vanities thereof. SecondlyI anfwere, that there is no foundneffe oftruth in the propofition,although the affumption fhouldbegran- Thefpcech of ted; for he lothnotfay that fuch ashe had formerly defcri- the413ofile net bed