abfolute but cenditionall. 64/71/0 Heb.io z6. ex- pounded. T7l7hat is meant by fin- ning willingly. 716 Obietlions takenfrom tejgimonie r ofScripture,anfxered. bed might fall away, but by wayof fitppofition, ifthey did fal away,then they couldnot be renewed by repentance,be- caufe they had committed the vnpardonable finneofthe ho- ly Ghof},which is not poffiblie incident to any o t e e ee} and faithfill. Now fromameere fuppofition we cannot in- ferre anabfolute conclufion. Yea rather the holy Ghof}v- feth thefewords as a terrifying admonition to beate downe carnali fecuritie,topreferue the faithfull frommaking a ge- neral! apoflafie, and to ftrengthen them in their perfeue- rance, feeing their relapfe and backfliding would bring vp_ on them ineuitabledes}ru&ion.As may appeare by thewords following, verf.g.1o.i I, where he taketh occafionupon this admonition to exhort them to diligence, conflancie,andpa- tience, that fo theymight bee inheritors ofGodsgratious promifes. The feuenteenthplace obiecáed is Heb.i o.26. For ifwee finnewillingy, ofterwe haue receiued theknowledgeofthe truth, thereremainethnomorefacrifice for f ones. 27. But afearefult lookingforofiudgernent, andviolentfirewhich (ball deuoure the aduerfariei. From which place they thus reafon : Theywho fin willinglyafter they haue receiued the knowledge ofthe truth,do fall away from grace &perifh.For the Apoflle faith, that there remainethno more facrifice for their finnes, but a fearefull looking for of iudgement,and violent fire which !hall deuoure them. But the faithfull finne willingly after theyhaue receiued knowledge of the truth, and therefore theymayfall awayfrom grace andperifh. I anfwere,firfl the propofition is falfe, ifthe argument be vnderflood in the A- poftles fenfe; for they who finne willingly, as the Apofile meaneth, were neuer in theBate ofgrace,and therefore can- not fall away from it. Ifwee vnderfand it in theirfenfe, namely, offome particular finne committed willingly, yet through infirmitic, as whoredome, drunkeuneffe, murther and fuch like, then is it alto falfe, beingvnderfloodofthe faithfull, for as much as they,notwithftanding thefe finnes, doe not fall away from grace nor perifh. Secondly, theaf fumptionbeing vnderffood in their fenfe maketh nothing for their purpofe, and being taken according to theApof}les meaning