Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

718 Obieffions takenfrom tefimoniefofScripture,einfirered. by being¡':?: theyare alto calledand iuflified. I anfwere, that as beuides aifled uv,th the the inward and effeóóuall calling, there is an outward cal_ blood ofthrift. lingcommon to hypocrites, and *as there is a true iuflificati- on beforeGod proper to the ele&, fo there is anoutward iuflificatiöü before men, when as thofe who in their out- wardcarriage and conuerfation doe Phew themfelues iufl,are in the iudgement ofcharitie fo reputed and efieemed. There is in like manner a twofold kind offan6iification,theone in- ternall before God,whenas the heart is purified by faith; the otherexternall before men, when as we profeffe our felues membersofthe Church, and fuch as are fän&ified with the bloodofChrifl, confeffe the Chriflian faith, andbring forth fome outward fruites in our lines and conuerfations; and this latter fan&ification is common vnto hypocrites,who whileft theyprofeffe themfelues members of the Church, which is the bodie ofChrift fan&ified byhis blood,word,and fpirit, and make outward femblance and Phew hereof in their liues, are called and reputed Saints in the iudgement ofcha ritie,which iudgeth the befl where it teeth noappearance of euil!. Yea,but the fpiritofGodwho fearcheth the hartand raines here faith,thatthey were fan&ified by the blood ofChriff, and therefore they were not onelieoutwardly,but alfo inter- nallie fanelified, not in the iudgement ofinen alone, but alto in the iudgement ofGod. I anfwere, it followeth not; for commonly the fpirit ofGod in the Scriptures fpeaketh not according tohis owne knowledge, but according to the o- pinion and common eflimationofinen. So all Ifraell arecal- led the peculiar peopleofGod, becaufe they madeoutward profef ion ofhis religion, thoughmanyof them did not be- long to the eleCtion of grace. So the Apoflles writing to wholeChurches call them the Saints ofGod; thouagh there were amongfl themmany hypocrites. The whiclfthe holy Ghofl bathpurpofedliedone,toteach vs by his exampleto fpeake and iudge charitablie of our brethren ; and not to cenfure them 'as hypocrites,vntil theyhaue plainely difcoue- red their hypocrifie. Lafllie,Ianfwere to this argument,that thoughwe fhould take 4.Sec7.4.