7wObieffions takenfrom tefimonies ofScripture,anffered, purgingcommon to hypocrites,wee are to vnderfland this place, andnot ofthe true purgingby Chrifls blood,in which whofoeuer are wafhed, can neuer become blind, nor for- get that theywere purged byhim; and therefore the affuinp- tion be.ngvnderflood according to the Apofiles meaning is directly falle. 4 sea.2. The ninteenthplace obie6led is 2.Pet.2.20. For ífthey af_ ter they haueefeapetl f -otn the fi1thinef jôoftheworld through the txpoundcd. k zo?V1edXeof the Lord, and ofthe Sauiour Iefiu Chrifl,areyet tangledagainetherein andouercome, the latterendis worfewith them then the beginning. 2 t . For it hadbeen betterfor them not to haue ,nolirne the way ofrighteoufneffe, then after they haue knowne it, to turne from the holy commandement gíuest Dato them. 22. But it is come unto them according to the true prouerbe, Thedeg isreturnedto his vomit, and thefow that ;VIM. tvalhed to thewallowing in the mire. From which place they thus reafon : They who haue efcaped the filthineífe ofthe world, through theknowledge ofGod andChrifl,and haue caPt vp their finnes which oppreffed their foules and confci- cnces, and haue been wafhed from their corruptions, may fall away fromgrace and become reprobates ; for they may be tangled in the world and ouercome, they may haue their latter end worfe then the beginning, they may turne from Gods commandements, theymay returne to their vomit of finne,and wallow themfelues againe in the filthie mire of their corruptions: but fuch areelect and faithfull; and there- fore the eleóI and faithfull may fall away from grace andbe- come reprobates. Ianfwere,firfl, that here againe is no di_ rei`i affertion that fuchas hee here defcribeth fhould fall in- to thishate, buta condi tionall fuppofition,if theydoe thus behaue themfelues; and therefore though we fhould by this defcription vnderfland the faithfiall,no thing could beneceífarily inferred. Secondlie, l'denie the affumption. For theApof+Jedoth not here vnderfiand the elect and true beleeuers, whom elfewhere heaffirmeth tobe borneanewnot x.Per.t.s ;.sS ofmortall feede, but ofimmortallby thewordofGodwhich indu- Verfy. rethfor euer; andto 6eehept by thepower ofGod throughfaith untofaluation. But onlie temporizers and hypocrites,who fuffer ism