Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

Meehan, takenfrom teffrmónies ofScripture;'rnfn ered 72 fuffer themfeluesafter theyhaue bin inf1rue`ced intheknow.- ledge ofthe truth,andhaue madePhew offomeoutward re- formation in their hues, tobe feduced byfalfe teachers, and to bee intanglcd againe in the world, and in the lufts of their flefh.And this appeareth firf} by the whole drift ofthe Apof}le in this chapter, which is to inueigh againft fuch falfe teachersas (educe the vnftable out of thewayoftruth into thebypathsoftheirowne errors. Andafter they haue been conuertedby thepreaching ofthe Gofpell from the groffe errorsofpaganifme,vnto the knowledge and acknowledge.. ment of Gods truth,andhaue been purgedfrom fome out- wardenortniòus fitmes,are againeby their falfedoctrine cor- rupted,andfo plunged againe into their old errors in do- étrine,and enormious crimes in their hues. Secondly, the Apoftle doth not here defcribe a true beleeuer, by fetting dovene any notes proper and peculiar vnto him, feeing whatfoeuer is here fpokenmaybelong to a temporizingby Vcd,t 8. pocrite : forfuch anone maybe cleane efcaped from the' er- rors ofpagans andheretikes, andnot onely know, butalto acknowledge Gods truth inwardlie in hisjudgement, and outwardly inhisprofeffion; and yet in the meane time re- maine deftituteofa liuelyfaith,andofthe inward-fandtifica- tionoftheheart : mien as a manmay difauow the errors of Poperie, and yet continue vnregenerate and without the power ofgodlines.Hemay,after hehath attained the know- ledge ofGod andChrift, haueefcapedthe filthinefí'eof the world, that is, he may hauehis groffe faults, and the external ñlthineffeofthe worlditipartreformed(aswemay fee in the exampleofHerod, who heard Iohn gladlie, and did manic Maik.6. m. things according tohisdoetrine)andyet nourifh fecret cor- eruption in his heart,-which will afterwardsburft outinto his workes and actions. He may cafe his heart andconfcience for a time, bycafting vp his grofeft finnes, as it were in his vomit,but becaufehe-is not throughlypurged from the cor- rupt humours offin,nor hath his hart found andvpright be- fore God, the corruptions will gather againe,likebadhu- mours in the ftomacke ill difpofed, the fickneflie ofhis foule will be renewed, and he will return to his fanner wicked A as courfes,