ddieNoni ?ainf ti pertuerance taken fro-4 exammplee ant alreadie takenaway inMy anfwere to the firíl tellimcnie ob- ie&edagaitifl perfeuerance ; brieflie weare to anfe'iere, that if they meane by blotting out, Gods declaring that they were neuer written therein weedoenot denie it,as making nothing for them,"not againfl our queflion. But ifthey ern_ derfiand a blotting out offuch asare alreadie written, then we denie their confequence,there being notthe Iike reafon betweene thefe two : for howfoeuer they who ouercome mayfitlybee faidnottobeeblotted out ofGods booke, be- caufe they are written in it, yet it cannot bee Paid that they whodoenot ouercome (hall bee blotted out, feeing they were:neuer written in-this booke of life. Laflly,: they obieì the admonitions and threatnings, § Set .S. which are common in the Scriptúres; whereby the hohe Admonitions Ghofl feemeth to inferre, that the faithfull are in, danger to and threat- fallaway from grace,and to lofe their-faith, and Other gifts nings,doenot ofGods fpirit. As, let him that thmkerh hee f anderh; tai e pr®otte that roe heed hef41 Ta eheedle át an tune therele tove o ou;:mar fallfrom IC f }' i f grate. an eudll heart and vnfaithfull, to depart from the liethig God. z.Cor.to.tz. But this argument Ihaue alreadie anfwered when as Iproo_ Heb 3.11. ued the certaintieofour election, and CookeäWáythe obie- See z. booke pintas againft this aífurance ; vnto which place forbreuitie chap,u fake, I referre thereader for his fuller fatisfaction. CHAP. XX. Obier;lions againft thedoarineofperfmerancegrotsndedupon éxample;r, anfivered. And thus' much for atifwere to thofe obiections §.Se?.I. againíl perfeuerance which are grounded vp- Theexample of on teflimonies ofScriptures. Nowwee are to theeuilangels. Come vnto theexamples which areallcaged to the fame purpofe; amongíl which diuers are vtterly impertinent to the queílion in hand ;: for whereas it is thus propounded,whether a man ele&ed,iuflified,and fan.- eetified, may fall from this his fiate, lofe his faith and all fan- cifying graces, and become a reprobate,and a call-away, they obie& the exampleoftheeuill Angds,Sauf, Iudac, and Aaa z fuch