724Obrettiortsag4inf perfcuerancetakenfromexampleranf filch like whomwe vtterly denie to.haue.euer had faith,iu. fliftcatiou,or anyother fatting grace ; fo that their apoflafie from their former profeffion,was not a falling from faith which they neuer had, but, onelyadete6ionand difcouerie ofthem,, whereby was made uianifef+ what they in truth. were,namely,thatwhat Phew foeuer they had formerly made yet theywere neuer in the hate ofgrace,nor yet induedwith. a.true iuf+ifying faith, Butxhat wee may defcend vnto particulars ; firfl they al- leage the , example ofeuill Angels, which,howfoeuer they, wereGods moilexcellentcreatures, and indued.plentifullie. withmany fingular gifts andgraces, yet they perfeuerednot- ion this ef+ate, but lof+ their graces, and made a fearefull apo- flafie fromGod.But ifwe would feewhatforce this,and the.. ref+ oftheexamples produeed,haue to the .prefent purpofe, weMail eafily difcerneit, ifwe difpofe theexample whichis- theirargument, whereby theyconclude their queflion, to- gether With the queflion it felfe in a fyllogifine after this manner : . Tbae ampleof : The Angels fell from grace loll their iufhifeation, and ah h¢cis. faith,andbecame cal+awaies Butthe Angels were men in the hate ofgrace,. iuf+ifted, and indued with truefaith . And thereforecertainemen being in the hateofgrace,iu- flifed,and induedwith true faith, may fall from grace, lofe ; their iuflihication,and faith, and become caflawaies. Whereby the iinpertinencie ofthis allegatjon to thecon- cluding of this quei+ion plainely appeareth. For ñrf+ the Angels are not..men, of whótn,alone the quef+ion is pro- . pounded; theywere not in the hate ofgrace,as the queflion vilderliandeth it, that is, the grace of redemption, but of creation, onely; they were not iuf+ified by.Chrifis imputed ri ghteouf effe, but flood iu(l in their owrie inherent righte- o :ftieffe; theyhadno iuflifyingfaith, feeing therewas.neuer any promife made_vnto them that Chrif+ fhould be giuerz as. their by whole righteou1 effe they Mouldbe.iu- ff. d Thefcránd example is,of,our. ,frf+parents which isalike. =. irnperti11e4r