7 26 Obieitionsagainffperfeuerance takenfromexrsmples,asrf. vellequad p% the Lord hath grantedvnto vsboth power andwill to con-. fet, c./.ug"ff. tinue inhis gracevnto theend. de g at eap t z. The third example alleaged is ofS414/, whom theyaffirme Tom.7. to hauebeenelecied and fantified, and yet tohaue fallen §Sec`s, 3. from grace andperifhed. Fromwhich example they reafon The exampleof thus: Saul. Saul fell away from grace, loll his faith, and became a call-away : But Saul was ele& and regenerate . Therefore certaine men being ele& and regenerate, fall from grace, lofe their faith, andbecome caft-awaies. I anfwere, that both thefe propofitions are falle; for firíl, Saulnewer was in the fate ofgrace, and therefore could not fall from it ; henewer had true iuflifying faith, and thereforé could not lofe it. The affumption alfo is alike vntrue ; for neither was Saul ele&edbyGod to eternal] life, nor regene- ir.Sam.9.2. rateby his fpirit.But this they labour to proue by i.Sam.9.2. which they thus reade : Saul ryas elect and a good man, and therewas not amanamonírfl the children ofIfrael better then he. Iftherefore hee was ele& and good, yea fo good, that there was nonebetter,then furcly,fay'they,he was regenerate, or elfe there was none in Ifrael regenerate: but the former is true, therefore the latter. To this Ianfwere, that they take aduantagevhon the eduiuocation ofthewords, which they tranflate,ele& and good. For the former word,howfoeuer it fignifieth in fotne places an ele& man, yet it is commonlie * Deut.; s. z 5. vied for a *youngor choife man, fo called becaufe he is apt .,.San 6 t and fit for all imploiments, and is therefore eleSedand cho- z Chro.z5.5. fen from amongfl others for thefe purpofes. So the other * Gn.64 and word fignifieth not onely good, but alto * faire and beauti- 24.16. full, and fo it is tobe taken in this place, as the words fol- E-xo+12 lowing expound it; Anongil the childrenof!f'raelzhere s t.Sam. r z. none fairer, or oodlier thenhe, from thefhoulder.r vpwardhe was higher then any ofthe people. So that the meaning of thefe words is,that Sass/ was a choife youngman,and more beauti a.. full and ofoodlierperfonaoc,then any ofthepeople. %.Sam. text 4. Yeabut is is Paid, i.Sati'Mnrthat the Lord had chofen Saul; and therefore hee was,elen. Ianfwere, that there is twofold