Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

ObieMiensagainfperfeuerance taken fromex4rpfer,aMff727 twofold choife or ele6tion, the firfl to an office or fun&lion: the other to eternall faluation. Now we are not to vnder- fland this place of this latter ele6tion, of which here is no fpeech : but of the former, namely, that God had eleted andchofen him, amongft all the people to be the King ofif rael,asall the circumflances ofthe placeplainely (hew. But it is further faid, that the fpirit ofthe Lord departed fromSaul;and therefore San/ bothhadGods fpirit, andalto loft it. I anfwere, that by the fpirit ofthe Lord we are here tovnderfland the giftsof the fpirit,as itis vfuall in the Scrip- tures; not his fan&ifyingand fauing graces which areproper to the elect, but thofe morall, ciuill and ordinarie gifts, which are common to them with the vnregenerate; name- ly,the fpirit ofprophecie, wifdome, fortitude and gouerne- ment,w'ith whichSailwas formerlyindued,when as he was chofen to bee Kingofifrael, andnot the fpirit ofadoption, and regeneration, which he neuer had. And thus the holie Ghoít expoundeth himfelfe : i.Sam.10.6.9. and chap./ 1.6. The fourthexample alleagedis ofDauid,fromwhich they thus conclude : Dauidloft hisfaith, and fo fora time,fell from theGate of grace : Dattid was elect and regenerate : ThereforeTome ele& and regenerate, may lofe their faith, andfall from the f}ate ofgrace. Ianfwere, that the propofition is molt falfe; for howfoe- uer Dauids faith was (haken, yet it was not ouerthrowne; though it loll his former vigour and ftrength for a time,.foas he had not that fenfible aífuranceof Gods fauour, nor that comfort and ioy in the holy Gholl, as he was wont to haue in time pail, yet the feede offaith and Godsgrace remained inhim; howfoeuer it was afleepe, as it were, or brought in- to a deadly fwoune for a vhile,yet it was not quite dead,but awaknedagaineby the preaching ofNathan, and reuiued when vpon his vnfained repentance, hee was reaf ured of Gods loue and the remiflionofhis finne. Yeabut,fay they,the,yrelireni may further be confirmed by this reafon : pro p hex-A a a 4 He Exod. 18.3. Iudg. and 3. 24., l.Satn.o.6.9. and i i 6 4.SO.q.. The exampleof Dacrìd.