Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

728 ObieffionsaJaï::ftperfeuerance takenfromexamples,anf; He that committeth any hainous firmwillingly againlf his knowledge and confcience, he def}royeth,hisfaith. But Dauids,finne.was filch, Ergo. I anfvere, that `Dauid didnot Pannewith full confent of wil!,but in part vnwillingly, the fpirit i}riuiaig againfi the flefh,and difallowing and diffwading from that,vntowhich- hee was violently carried through the vehement concupif- cence ofthe flefh ; he didnot finne rnaliciouflie,but through infirmitie, the flefh rebelling againfi the fpirit, and leading him captiue vnto fanne; and therefore his finne was not fo powerfull to feparate him fromGodsloue, asChrif was to retaine him in his fauour. Againe, thefe finnes ofinfirmitie though neuer fohainous in themfelues, & fearefully aggra- flared, in that they are committed againfi our knowledge and confcience,are not exempted fromGodsmercie, nor do notexclude vs fromhauingour part in thofe gratious promi- fes ofpardon,and forgiueneflè, fo we vnfainedly repent of themand forfake them; and confequently.they cannot de- lroy the faith ofGodsele&,feting they fail haue the ground :oftheir faith,Gods mercy and gratiouspromifes remaining, whereby it is renewed, and repaired, when as it is fhaken and battered with their finnes, and the violence of tenta- tion. , §ó$e11,5. The fifth example obit&ed againfi the certaintie ofper- Tkeexamp!eof feuerance, is of Salomon ; from whence they thus rea- Sa1Omori. fon Salomon lof+-his faith,and fell from the üate ofgrace : Salomon was ele& and regenerate : Therefore Tomeele0and regenerate, may lofe theirfaith, and fall from grace. To which Ian,fw-er.e,bydenying the propofition asfalle: ror howfoeuerSalomon fell gricuouflie,.yet he did not fall a- way fromgrace, nor lot.} hisfaith, nor was euerreie6Iedout ofGods fauour,-but hued and died a vefl`ell ofgrace, and in the Joue ofGod, as may appeare by theft reafons. Firfl, be- caufe God tonedhim, and that in fuch fpeciall manner, that he çanfed Nathan to gruehim his,name iedidiah as- a figne a4air,r2,24. and Sacrament ofhis loue, as wee may fee :.Sam.i a.24.*