7I o O1'ieaions.vaini perfeuerance takenfromexamples,4nf, Scripture, and therefore hee was anholy man ofGod, who was infpired immediately by the holy Ghofl, as`theApo$le 3.Pet 1.1s. Peterafhrmeth : z.Pet i.zi. Laf+lie, he repented ofhis finne in his oldage,and wrote the booke ofEcclefiafles for a teflünonie ofhis vnfainedre- pentance, and conuerfion vnto God, as the Hebrewes who write ofhimgenerally affirme. It is true, will fome fay, that Salomon was a iufl and faith- full man,but yet he fell away from grace, and loll his faith, ifnot finally,yet at leaf+ for a time : for he dotedvponhis' wí.ues and concubines, and ,liued in filthiewhoredome and horrible vncleanneffe,. he worfhipptAthe faik gods of the'' Heathens,and fo committed fhamefull idolatrie,andhis hart was not vpright before the Lordhis God,as.was theheart of t.King, it.;.4. Dagid his father, as it is plainelie affirmed : t.King.i 1.34. 5.6. Ianfwere, that thefe indeede are fearefuil finnes into.. which_Salomon fel,which(for the time he lined in there) did: nodoubt flupifie his faith,' and Cooke away ,fromhim that. liuely fen fe and feeling,whichhe formerlyh'ad,ofGodsloue and fauour,andtogetherwith it thepeace ofconfcience,and ioy in the holyGhofi. But yet the feeds offaith didall this while lie vnder, as it were, the heauie clods ofhis finne, doubting, and "infidelitie, till God caufed it to fproutout a- gaine, being watred with the dewofhis grace, and with the tearesofhis vnfained repentance. And howfoeuer the flame ofhis faith appeared not inhis workes ofpietie andrighte- oufneffe, yet the fparkes thereof remained, which againe (hewed thetnfelues when God .blowed vpon himwith his holyfpirit. Inaword, though the ac`+ offaith, which gaue him aflúrance ofGods fauour, andbrought foorth thefruits ofvnfai ncd repentance, was for a time interrupted and kin- dredwith his fearefull finnes committed againf+ his know- ledge andcoufcience,yet thehabite of faith remained with him, for the gifts and :oiling `ofGod are without repen- Romi 1.E9. tance; and Chrif+prayed forhim that hisfaithmight not vt- i.usaa. j1. terly fade, though it were fhreudly fhaken. Laf+ly, whereas it is raid that his heart wasnot vpright before God, as was his father David:; we arenot fiinpiie and abfolutely to vn- derfiand