Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

ObieEìieas mainfiperteuer4 ce take,nfromex imples,anf.73 x derftand it,that it was neuer vpright at all, but that it was not vpright,as his fathers,that is,in that meafure and degree, as appeared by thofe many and grieuous finnes into whichhe fell. The fixth example obiec` of Peter, from which they § Set-1.6. concludeas from the ref+ : Theexampleof Peter loft his faith,and fell from grace ; Peter. But Peterwas ele& and regenerate And therefore forne ele& and regenerare,may lofe their faith,andfallfron4grace. Thepropofition, which is falfe, they indeuour to prooue, becaufe Peter contrarie tohis knowledge and confcience,fell into that hainous finne ofdenying his Maf+er. But this ar- gument is ofno force, feeing `Peter fell into this firme not vpondefperate malice, or with full confent ofwill, liking and approuing his apofiafie; but through infirmitie and prefent feare, hewas violently carried captiue into this fin, difallowing his backflidin:g, and firming againft his feare- fulneffe.Sothatas one fairh,Confeffio defects in ore,fedfides non duguf. defecit in corde: The confiant and openprofeffion ofhis faith was wanting in his mouth, but faith was not wanting inhis heart. And this will manifef+lÿ appeare if we confider the former gratiouspromifes made vnto himby Chrifi, namely, that thegates ofhell fhould not preuaileagainii that faith, wherëßfhehad madeconfefi`ion,'and that howfoeuer Satan Mat h.T6. had defiredto lift hiin aswheate,yet fo earnefily had heprai- Luk.z Z. 3 =., ed vntohis father, that his faith fhould not faile. And there- fore either Chrifis promifewas voide, and his prayer vaine, (which withoutblafphemie cannot be affirmed) or elfe Pe- ters faith failed not, howfoeuer he was fhreudly lifted and - hhakenwithSatans tentations. But againfi this they obie&, that Chrifis meaningwas, that his faith fhould not finally and vtterly faile, and there- fore it might fora time bee quite extinguifhed, and after- wards againe renewed. I anfwere, Chrif+s meaning is better vnderf+ood by his. owne words, then by their vncertaine geffes. Now Chrif+ doth not fay, `Peter I haue prayed that thy faith faile not vtterly, or that .failing it may againe bce renewed,