7 3 7.0blot-lions againfper f arerance t&kenfromexamples,an!: renewed, but that it might notfaileat ail,as the word fgnifieth, which is not to bee referred to the tirne,as though this fhould be the rneanir g,i.t (halt not fade for euer, but unto the thing that it fhould not faile at all. And thus Heb.i. cz, the fameword is vfcd,Heb. t. i 2. and ,oppofed not onely to perifhing andwaxing old,but alto to all manner ofchange. Againe,ifPeters faith fhould haue failed at all,though it had againe been renewed, yet thefe abfurdities mull needs fol- low; both that hee muff haue had a new faith,differingat leaft,as we fay innumber,frotn his fir} faith, which had fai- led,andwas loll and perifhed, andalfo that Chrifis prayer was not heard, who prayed,not that his faith might bee a- gaine renewed after it was loft, but that that faith which Peter nowhad might not faile. 4.Se .7 The feuenthexample is ofSimon catagus,which isaltoge- Te example of ther impertinentto the purpofe, fednghe neuer had iuílify_ simoa Magus. ing faith, nor fauing grace, and therefore could not lofe them. But let vs conclude their reafon,and thenanfwere it: Simon c.ii4agus loll his iuftifying faith, and fell from grace : Simon (.24,rus was abeleeuer, ele6ted toeternal! life : Therefore forre whobeleeueandare eleh,lofe theirfaith, and fall fromgrace. T anfwere, both the premiffes are falfe, and therefore the conclnfioncannot be true ; for firfl Simon cvtitagus couldnot lofe that which heneuer had,namely faith and fauing grace, and therefore the propofition is vntrue: fecondly,the affump- tion being vnderílood according to the queflion, of a true iuflifying faith, is likewifefalfe. For whereas they vrge that Aá.8,í3. Simon c iTtagus is Paid tohaue beleeued, and to haue been baptized, and therefore was regenerate and indued with a true iuflifying faith,it followethnot; for he onlyhad an hi- floricall faith,wlierebyhegauchis affent to the truth oftheir de&crinc,wrought in him by theadmirable miracles which hee law done by the Apofiles, whichwas feuered from the power offandtification and true godlineffe. Hewas wafhed onelywith the outward water in baptifine, and not in the la- uer of.. regeneration byGods fpirit; as it plainely appeareth by