Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

Ob nt etvinfiperferterance takenfrom examplet,anf. 733 byPeters iuft ae'cuí`ation and repïcofe,whereby hechargeth him, that his heart was not vpright in the fight ofGod, (thoughhe had made a plaufible thew before men) that he- was in thegall ofbitternesfe, and in thebond of iniquitic ; and therfore whenhewas at the beU,he was buta meere pocrite and no truebeleeuer. The eightexample alleaged is ofJudas; fromwhich they g.Se.B. thus reafon -: The exampleof Judasloft his faith, fell from grace, and becamea repro- Iudx. bate But Isaias waselected, and indued with iuftifyingfaith : Therefore fome ele&edand indued with iuftifying faith, may fall from graceandbecome reprobates. I anfwere to thepropofition,that ludas.couldnot lofe that which heneuerhad, nor fall from that efiate inwhichhene- uer was. Secondly, the affumption is tobe denied as being vtterlyfalle, and direétly,repugnant to the the holyScrip- tute;forbefore.thediuell èntred, into him, moouinghim to betray our.SauiourChrift, hee was an egregious hypocrite, anda wickedperfon, howfoeuer then firV he plainelydifco- uered his wickedneffe, andhypocrite; for although hefpake inthebehalfe.of the poure, yet it wasbutinhypocrife, not that_he cared.forthe poore, butbecaufe'hewas a theefe and bare. the .bagge, with that which , was giued : Iohn i z. 6. Iohn i t.6, He followeth Chrift not for any loue.vnto him or his-truth, but for his owne gaine and aduancement,. which ; comming farre fhort ofhiscxpe&ation, whichwas to be fome great peere ofan earthly .kingdome, the fame greedie defire of gaine inoued him to betray him fora reward. He is called the child of-perdition, Ioh.t7.12. whofe des}ru&ion was Iohn foretold longbefore iin the Scriptures, as appeareth, Pfal. PPfa(moo97. 109.verf.7.:to the 20, which is appliedvntohim,A .i.20.loì ova. Yea our Sauiour Chris}himfelfe, who belt knew him,asbe-' , ing the fearcher of the heart. and reignes, expreflie-calleth. )=stn a diuell : Iohn6.70.; .parse not 1 chofen you tmelue, and oneofyou is a alittell? Nowhee fpake of-ludas 1 fchariot. And that this-wicked traitor,had newer any true faith,what Phew andprofcffion foeuer J e made,it.may eafdyappeare,verf 64.- Tsft F>