448 ®fthe# rituallarmour. range abroad to forrage, or get fomebootie, are eaßlyvan: - quifhed by their enemies ; fo thofe whodepart and makean apo(tafic from Gods Church, togaine or retaine their plea. fures and worldly preferments, are eafìly ouerthrowne,fal. ling intoSatans ambuthments. And fecondly, euery one is tocontaine himfelfewithin the limits of his fpeciall voca- tion, and tokcepe his peculiar handing appointedhim by God : for as there is nothing more pernicious to anarmie thandiforder, whenas force intrude themfelues intoothers place, as when the common fouldier will bean officer, the Lieutenant Captaine, and the Captaine,Generall of the ar- mie; fo nothing is more hurtfull to the Church militant, than whendiforderly one vfurpes anothers placeand office, aswhen the Minihers will bee Magihrates, and theMagi.. ilratesMinihers, and when the common people vfurpe the officeofthemboth. Secondly,whenashebiddethvshand in our places,he re- firaineth vsfrom two extreames : the one,that weedoe not wilfully thruhour felues into the combat oftemptationsbe.. fore we be affaulted, and foasit were runne out ofour han- ding to feekeanenemie; and fecondly, that when wee are affaulted we doe notflee away, but hand to. it valiantly and endure the violenceofthe affailants. Laf}ly,heexhortethvs towatchfulnes &painefull diligence,for we mull not drove_ lily and fecurelylayvs downe and giueour felues to fleepe, noryet fitidlely as though weehad nothing to doe ; but we are to handvpon our guard, and towatchcontinuallie, that 'wee may alwaies be in readines to withftand theaffaults of our enemies; otherwife ifwee fleepe in fecuritie, they will fuddenly letvponvs andfurprize vs at vnawares. 4,Sea. I. 00.. . CHAP. X. Oftheparticular parts oftheChrifian armour : andfir. of thegirdle ofveritie. A Nd thus the Apofile hauing taken away allretchleffe fecuritie and foole-hardines, and alfo ftrengthened vs with