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lohn 17.12. lah.ó.y. §. Sea.9. The example ofthejfrae. 734 Foie ionsaping ii perfeuerance taken from example.r.anr But they B arefore ofyore 1fß; j tiû).whieb_be1eeuenot,. for Iefùs knew frow bebeginning ya'hzch theymeremhobeleeuidnot,. . andwho,l ould6etray him. Butit is further obíeded, that our Sauiour Chrift faith, Iohn 1.7.12.. that Iudas.was giuen vnto him by his father, and confenuently it followeth,that hewas else} and indued with-faith;. Ianfwere, "thatthere is a twofold: git:ìiagveto Chrií{,and a twofold elee}ion : the firít is, when as menare giuenvnto Chrifi that theymay be vnited. vnto him, and fo be redeemed,iuftified, and famed, and when as theyare ele- bedin Gods eternall counfeIl voto eternall life;' and in this fenfefudiswas not giuen toChrifl,notele&edbyGd,fee- ing he was the forme ofperdition; whoi :deftruetionwas foretold, andnobetter then a diuell byChriftsowne tefli- monie. The.othergiuing toChtiftandelee}ionis, when as they weregiuen vnto himofGod, and;elee}ed by Chrifi to beare the officeofanApotle and robehis.difci:ples;addthus only;luda,s wasgiuen by Go.d,and.ele&ed;byChriki tòthis Apoliolicall office aed : fune}ion,ac.cordiuißto thattHaue:I : not elected or chofenyou twelue, andone ofyou is adiuell? Neither canwe.vnderftand it ofthe other donation& eleeti- on,vnleffe we will fay,that Chrifiredeemed not thofewhom:. God eleeted,or rhathe wanted power or will to-effeahis fart. thersend;feeing.heedid not:faue.him,whowas gr'ienivr of him byhis father that.hemight be redeemed. Toconclude, . wemay rather inferrerfrom.thisplace,that none whoare gi- uen vetoChrift canperifh or be-lof},feeing:our Sauiour faith. plainely and thou-t.exception, that none giuen voto him byhis father,areb.yhimloft, but this lud&the child ofper- dition, whowas giuen to be his Apoftle, but nottobe re deemedand faued, Peeing this would haue direetlie crofl'ed the prophecies of hohe Scriptures which foretold his de- ftruetion. And thefe are theexamples<whichare alleaged, and obie ¿ledagain!} the certaintie ofour perfeuerance byBellarmine, thegreat Goliahofthe Romifh Philiftims. Befides which fome others are obieaed to the fame pur- pofe byother men. As ftll the example of the Ifraelites-in. the