Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

Obiett ions agrain/aperfeuerance to enfrom example.r,anf73 5 thewilderneílè. From which they thus conclude : litesin the urt- derne e All the Ifraelites in the wildcrneffe were indued with f faith,andwere iuílified and regenerate : But force of them loll their faith, fell from grace and .e- rifhed Therefore force who are indued with faith, iuílified and regenerate,may fall from grace and perifh. But ifvvee conclude their 'argument in right forme., it fhouldbe thus : All the Ifraelites in the wilderneffeloll theirfaith,fel from grace and perifhed: But force ofthemwere indued with faith,iuflified and re- generate Therefore force indued with faith, iuílified and regene- rate, may fall from grace and perifh. But to let paffe the forme Ianfwere their argument, and deniethat all the Ifraeliteswere indued with true faith, lu- ílifiedand fan&lified. The which they endeuour to prooue by the Payingofthe Apoílle, i.Cor.zo.2.3:4.vvhere it is laid,, that all the Ifraelites were bapt:fed unto 9tIofsin the cloud, :.3.4 and in the fea, and did all eate thefame Jirituall meate, and drinhethe fame drinke, for they drank of' that rode which fotto3red thé,and'that rocke mChrif.From Which place they inferre ;that feting they did all feede ofthis fpirituall meate,and drinke of this fpirituall drinke, which couldno. otherwife be done, but after a fpirituall manner,namely, by a true faith, that therefore they muff needs haue this true faith, whereby feedingvpon Chrifl, they were iuílified and fanclified. I anfvvere,that by fpirituall meate wee are to vn- derfland theManna, wherewith they were fed, and the wa- ter which ifhued out ofthe rocke,whichwere called fpiritual, not onelybecaufe theywere miraculoufliePent from heauen, and forcedout of the rocke byvertue ofGods fpirit; but al- fobecaufe they were types and facraments of the fpirituall nourifhment ofour foules with the bodie &blood ofChrifl; cuen as the bread and wine are fail to bee fpirituall meate and drinke in thevfe of thefacrament, not becaufe they are fo in their owne nature,but only as they are fet apart for this fpirituall