Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

Obiettionsagain/ perfeuerance takenfromexamples, anf 737 feeing wee are not hereby tovnderfland, that it was Chrifa hinsfelfe, but onlie a facrament ofhisblood; it being vfuall in theScriptures tocall the fignesby the name of the things fignified. Thefecond example obie6led is ofthe Corinthians. From§.Seel IO. 'which they thusconclude: The exampleof All theCorinthians were indued with true faith, iuflified the corintbi- ans. and fan&ified Butforce oftheCorinthians loft their faith,and fell from grace,for theycómitted fins which ouerthrow faith,and deflroy the confeience, as namelie, they hued in drun- kenneffe, they maintained fornication, they_deniedthe refurrecrlion, &c. Therefore forcehawing faith, and being iuflified and fan- aified,may lofe their faith,and fall from grace. To faynothing ofthe forme ofthis fyllogiftne, Ianfwere vnto their argument, that as it cannot bee truely Paid in the generali, that all the Corinthians were indued with faith,i.u- ftified,and fandified, fo neither that all did not liue in thefè finnes,nor maintaine that damnable herefie,that there fhould be no refurre6 ion : but forceonely were faithfull and iufli fed, and forne other only committed and maintained thefe fumes. Iftherefore it be generally faid ofall that theyhad faith,or that they fell from grace by maintaining thefe fins, it is vtterly falfe:ifeither be affirmed but offorce onely,they doe not difpute adidem, and foconclude nothing. Yeabut the Apofile faith, that they were fanc`hified, iuflified, and I.Cor.6.rr. wafhedfrom their finnes by Gods fpirit. I anfwere,that hee Bothnotfay,all were, but fomeonelie. Such wereforeofyon, but youareu'a/hed,c-c. But though it fhould be granted that he had faid foofthemall, as he calleth all at Rome Chrifli- ans andSaints, and allar Galatia the fonnes ofGod; yet no- thing wouldhereoffollow. For to bee iuft and fan&ified is taken two waies; fira,generally and improperly before men; fecondly,fpecially and properlybefore God. In the former refpeót men arePaid tobee hí+, andholy, when as theyhaue receiued the facrament of regeneration, and doe profefhe themfelues members ofthe Church which is iuftified and fang Bbb