Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

738 Obíe ions 4gaiinflperfeuer'ance takenfromexamplesAn': fan&ified, and make Phewofreligion andoutward fan&ifi_. cation; and this isbeforemen, whocall fuch iuil and holyin refpe6I oftheir nape, and in the iudgement ofcharitie; in the other refpeémen are truely and properlyPaid tobee iuíl and holie, in the fight and iudgement ofGod, whenas they are fo indeede and truth, and not inoutward fhew only. The reafon of this dif}in6lion is, that men cannot fe-arch the heart,and therefore according to the rule of charitic, mu($ judge well ofthole vho makeagood fhew,though theybe hypocrites,iftheyhaue not difcouered their hypocrifie.; but God feethnot as man feeth, but he fearcheth and trieth the very heart and reines. Now toapplie thisdiflii lion, theA. poflle being a man, and writingvnto men,fpeaketh not ac- cording to the fecret iudgement ofGod, but that profeffing themfelues the Church, and people ofGod, theywere tobe reputed in the iudgement ofcharitie iuíl and holy. The third example obie&ed is oftheGalathians, whom theyaffirme to haue had faith and iuflification, and after- wards to haue loft this faith, and faille from grace, becaufe theywere caried awaywith thedo&rine ofthe falfe apofiles as though they had binbewitched, as the Apoflle affirmeth. This obieaion is all one with the former, and therefore I will not í}and vpon it. Briefly I anfwere, that as all theGa lathianswere not iuilified and indued with true faith, fo all did not imbrace the do&rine of the falfe Apoftles. And therefore this accufation belonging properly to thehypo- crits and unregenerate (although in refpeaoftheir focietie and neerecommunion,itbedireeled to the Church in gene_ rail, as being all of one bodie) doth not touch thofe who were induedwith true faith and regenerate,and.confequent- ly.impugnethnot theirperfeuerance. Lafllie, they obie& the example ofNicolar theDeacon,- fpokenofA6.6.5; froïn which they thus conclude Micolas the Deacon loft his faith,and fell fromgrace: Nicolas the Deacon was iuflified and regenerate : Therefore fome iuflified and regenerate, lofe their faiths and fall from grace. Tiepropofition they prooue, becaufe he was the author and. g;áec.IY. Theexample ofthn Galathi- amt §.Ser .12. The example ofNicolazsthe Deacon. A64. "NA