Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

740 ReafonsalleagedagainßperfHerance,anfsvered. thusqualified. Now it is one thing 'to be full of the holie Ghofi, iuflified, and fan&ified in the iudgement of the Church, and another tobe fo in the iudgementof God ;for the Lord who fcarcheth the hearts and reines neuer erreth inhis iudgement, but theChurch iudgingaccording to out- ward fives and effeols, and according to the rule and di- reaion, not ofomnifcience which theyhaue not,but ofcha- ritiewhich they ought tohaue, iudgeth thofe induedwith Gods holyfpirit iuf}ified and fán6lified, who make profeffi- onofieligion, andbring forth force outward fruites there- of; in which their iudgement they are as often coif}aken and deceiued, as theyhaue to dealewith cunning difguifcd hypocrites,befote theyhaue vnmasked thetnfelues, and by, their euill fruites difcouered their bypocrifie ,.. 0 CHAP. XXI. Reafons alleaged again%I the doElrine of perfeuerance, any livered._ Nd thus haue Tanfweredvnto fuch obiectlions againf£ the certaintie of perfeuerance, as,are grounded vpon examples. Now in the laft place, I will propound their reafons vfuallie alleaged to the fame purpofe ; which I will anfwere briefly, becaufe theymayeafilybe refuted by that which hathbeen aireadie faid.Firfi then they reafon thus : All habitsmaybe loft : Iuflifying faith is anhabite :- Therefore iuf}ifying faith may be loft. I anfwere to the propofition,that ifit be trueat all (as it is quefionáble)then onelyofnaturall habits,which in proceffe oftimeare gottenby mans induflrie& labour.Butfaith is no natural habitattainedvntoby mans induflrie,but is ÿmeere gift ofGod,infufedinto vs byhis holy fpirit : in which wee canflantlyperfeuere vino theend,not by thevertue,flrength and nature of this habite of faith in it fede, but through the,prornifedpower.ofGods of finance, and the interceffion of